england x trans male reader im getting a transmission

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Authors note- I M   B I (hi bi I'm mom)

"Which clique do you think I would be in?" (Name) asked taking a bite of his apple. "What?." Arthur asked. "You know their you and the allies! But France is also apart of the bad touch trio. And then there's the axis and Nordics."
(Name) shot back.

Arthur raised an eyebrow and chuckled. (Name) shrugged, "just wondering is all." Arthur rolled his eyes and went back to reading. "Well you don't fit in with any clique here." Arthur said. (Name) sighed and looked across the room.

"Yeah I guess your right." (Name) muttered kicking at the wood flooring. "Because your too special to be in any clique they don't deserve you." Arthur said. "Aww." (Name) said blushing and looking at Arthur. "Arthur that was so sweet to say." (Name) said kissing Arthur's cheek.

He blushed and looked away. "Well I am your boyfriend the least I could do is compliment you." Arthur replied. Arthur stopped and scowled at the person coming near. "Well if it isn't the queers of the school!" (Name) closed his eyes trying to stop a forming head ache.

"What do you want Nathin." Arthur said. "Just came to see how my favourite gays are doing." "We're the only gays you know!" Arthur and (Name) said. "Woah no need to get defensive. Literally the entire school is gay." Nathin said. "Instead of a token gay we have a token straight." (Name) laughed.

"Look I need help from you two and (Name) will probably help the most." Nathin said. "What kind of help?" (Name) said looking at Nathin questioningly. "Okay so there's this girl I like right." He said. "Okay?" Arthur said looking annoyed.

"Alright so yesterday we were hanging out. Nothing dirty yet and we'll she kinda told me she was y'know." He said. "Know what?" (Name) replied. "What you are." He said pointing at (Name). "A boy?" He asked. "No not that." Nathin said. "If your calling me a girl the-"

"no not that." He said. Nathin leaned in close to them and whispered. "She's trans." (Name) and Arthur looked at each other before bursting out into laughter.

"Oh my god that priceless." (Name) chooked out. "What's that supposed to mean." Nathin said. "Well I mean you don't have to go for it if you don't want to. What do you even need help with." (Name) said. "I need help to not offend her. Look I like her a lot okay! And I don't want to lose her because I said the wrong thing." Nathin said.

"Well if she wasn't put off by you already it should be fine." (Name) said. Nathin nodded and looked away. "Just be nice to her and treat her with respect." (Name) said. "Alright thanks dude I owe you one!" Nathin said running away. "Well that was weird." (Name) said.

Arthur nodded and put his book down. "Your not gonna read?" (Name) asked. "No its hard to concentrate with everyone talking." Arthur said. "Well no ones talking now!" (Name) said. "Your talking now love." Arthur replied. (Name) giggled and blushed. "Yeah I am." "Well I have better things to look at." Arthur said. (Name) slapped Hus shoulder and giggled.

~~timeskip of idk you pick ~~

"So what should we eat today?" (Name) asked. "How about we go to a cafe." Arthur suggested. "I'm gonna buy all the baking im physically allowed to." (Name) said. "I don't think you should (Name). We are on a budget." Arthur said. "Who needs budgets when you have money." (Name) said.

"That's the point of a budget! So you have more money." Arthur said. "We're out of college now we have time to live a little." (Name) said. "We've been out of college for 5 years love." Arthur said. "Your just trying to stop me because each time you bake something catches on fire." (Name) said sticking out his tongue.

"That was a low blow." Arthur said. (Name) laughed and grabbed Arthur's arm. "Well then I'm paying for lunch." (Name) said. He ran towards the door and pushed Arthur outside before locking the door. "There now..... Where's the nearest cafe?" (Name) asked.

"There's one down the street." Arthur said. "What would I do without you apple of my eye." (Name) said. "Probably still be choosing which socks to mismatch." Arthur said. (Name) laughed and Arthur grinned at him. "Well then let's get going." (Name) said. Arthur and him walked down the street towards the cafe.

When they got in they took a seat near the window. "Hey don't we know that guy?" Arthur asked looking over at a table. There was a girl carrying a baby and a guy fussing over them. "Oh shit do we know them?" (Name) asked. "Who has their life together by now?" (Name) said. The guy turned around and waved.

"Hey Arthur! Hey (Name)!" He called. He stood up and walked over to them. "Oh shit we do know them." (Name) said. "Its Nathin." The guy said. "Oh shit its Nathin." (Name) said. "Please ignore him he's just hungry." Arthur said.

"How have you been Nathin?" Arthur asked. "I've been good." Nathin said. "Who's that girl?" (Name) blurted out. "That's Lucy she's my wife and my son Noah." Nathin said smiling. "Wow you have a kid?" (Name) said. "Um yeah don't know how that happened but one day we were talking and the next we we're sitting in an adoption agency." Nathin said laughing.

"you know me and Arthur are getting married in the fall! You should come." (Name) said. "Sure thing I'll try to be there. Lucy come over here." Nathin said. Lucy walked over. "I know you." She said looking at Arthur. "You blew up the kitchen in the dorm rooms." She finished. "Yep that was Arthur. And I helped" (Name) said.

"You shouldn't be proud of that." Arthur said. "Anyways Lucy these guys invited us to their wedding in the fall." Nathin said. "Oh? Can we have the date for it?" She asked. "Yep its going to be on the 23rd of September." (Name) said. "I'll try and get a babysitter for Noah." Lucy said. "You can bring him!" Arthur said.

"Arthur loves kids." (Name) said. "Maybe you two should get a few of your own." Nathin teased. "I'm planing on at least three." Arthur said. "Well its easiest to adopt when their kids but Noah wanted a baby so we adopted a baby." Lucy said. "Anyways we gotta go it was nice catching up! We should do this again sometime!" Nathin said.

Lucy nodded and waved goodbye. They exchanged numbers and left the cafe. "Oh god he has his life together." (Name) said. "Last time we saw him he was spray painting a dick to the side of the school." Arthur said. "Didn't she graduate with honours and half the awards they had?" (Name) said. "Oh my god your right (Name)." Arthur said. "Maybe she leveled him out." (Name) said. "Hopefully." Arthur replied. "Like you leveled me out." (Name) said blowing a kiss at Arthur.

Authors note- Kanna-san is adourable and no one can tell me otherwise

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