2p Romano x insane male reader

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Authors note- eh?

(Name) wiped the blood off his face, tasting the copper fluid in his mouth. A smirk made its way onto his face as he walked over to the lifeless body on the ground.

(Name) licked his lips glancing at the other living thing in the room. "Hey there come here often?" The silky smooth voiced man asked. "As often as I can sweetheart." (Name) giggled out.

"The names Flavio, gorgeous. What's yours?" Flavio stated. (Name) pondered if he should tell him or not. "It's (Name), cutie" (Name) said winking at the other.

"So what's a striking young man like yourself doing here?" Flavio wondered. "I could say the same for you." (Name) retorted. He clenched his knife as he saw Flavio reach downwards.

"I wouldn't suggest that. We wouldn't want to leave behind a beautiful corpse would we?" Flavio said. He reached down and grabbed the sheet covering the body.

Flavio revealed it and looking at (Name) unimpressed. "Your stabbing skills are effective but sadly choppy." Flavio stated nodding in disapproval.

(Name) scoffed and rolled his eyes. "What are you the killing professional here to tell me how to kill?" (Name) asked tapping his foot.

"Well I wouldn't say professional." Flavio remarked. He pushed a few strands of his hair out of his face. "Funny neither would I." (Name) said crossing his arms and pouting.

"Wow rude but on another note you could get by on looks alone can't you?" Flavio said looking at (Name). "I suppose you can't hot stuff." (Name) muttered. "I suppose I can." Flavio grumbled.

~~time skip now includes food. It's fake food~~

"Hey (Name)." Flavio said ruffling the males (colour) hair. "Oh hi Flavio." (Name) smiled looking up at his boyfriend.

"So what's got you so lost in thought you didn't come when I mentioned food." Flavio asked sitting down next to (Name).

"Thinking about when we meet." (Name) answered moving to sit in Flavios lap. "Wow I was quite the jerk back then." Flavio said chuckling at the thought.

"I thought you were charming." (Name) said snuggling into Flavios chest. "I'm glad you didn't try to kill me." Flavio stated petting (Name)s hair.

"I'm glad I didn't try to kill you either." (Name) giggled. The two sat in perfect silence enjoying each others company. "So you mentioned food. Wanna tell me more." (Name) said.

"Yeah my brother came over and made pasta." Flavio said moving his hands to pap names face. "Can you not." (Name) said grabbing Flavios hands. "I can't help it your too cute." Flavio said squeezing (Name).

"I'm hungry feed me!" (Name) yelled trying to get out of the embrace. "No I'm not letting you go cutie." Flavio said. "The pasta isn't even that good stay for a while." Flavio said trying to make (Name) stay.

"What did you just say." (Name) asked. "I said the pasta wasn't that good." Flavio repeated. "I guess you could say its an impasta." (Name) said laughing.

"Did you just....(Name) what the actual heck." Flavio said looking in disappointment at the male laughing. "Oh come on dont be so upsetti." (Name) said laughing even more. "Kinda wish you tried killing me now." Flavio said.

Authors note- I keep forgetting I know a pornstar.

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