yandere 2p Italy x male reader

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Authors note- I read every comment and thank you all I luv you

(Name) was being stalked, simple as that. He hated feeling vulnerable against whoever was there. He had no way to know who it was. When it first started happening he played it off as a coincidence. But when he started flirting with Allen things went down hill. Vague threats began appearing in his home and at his siblings place.

(Name) started to worry and when he went to the police they dismissed him. They were too busy with other things to worry about some kid being stalked. He started to see a certain face more and more. That face began to plague his dreams. When he consulted his friends they always said they were too busy to see or hang out. (Name) had no one to turn too. He had decided to set a trap for whoever this person was.

~~Time skip of momma being back~~

(Name) woke up early that morning and started his usual routine. But today he didn't go outside instead choosing to stay inside and set up his plan. That night when he was going to go to sleep he would hopefully catch whoever was doing this. And so when he finally managed to fall asleep he waited.

(Name) had awoken when he heard a noise and knew it had to be him. He arose and stepped out of his room to the stairwell. "It appears the mouse has caught the cat." A voice called. (Name) looked down at the man watched him as he tried to free himself. "W-Who are you?" (Name) said. "I'm Luciano and I already know who you are." Luciano said bringing out a knife.

"You can't cut through that its metal rope." (Name) said watching him with interest. "Ah you underestimate how good I am with a knife my love." Luciano purred winking at (Name). He quickly freed himself from the rope and stood up. (Name)s eyes widened and he ran to his room. "(Name) don't think you can hide from me~" Luciano said moving to follow him. "Leave me alone!" (Name) screamed back.

"But I love you (Name). Your really starting to hurt my feelings." Luciano teased knocking on (Name)s door. He opened it and (Name) really wished his door was capable of being locked. "What do you even want!" (Name) said. "I want you my love." Luciano said walking towards (Name). "I want you in every way possible." Luciano said.

"Why would I want you! You've done nothing but torment me and my family." (Name) said. Luciano frowned and looked around the room. "I can do things that your family would appreciate." Luciano said gazing at (Name)s form. "W-What do you mean?" (Name) said. "You obviously don't know who I am." Luciano said. (Name) looked insulted and back up more.

"Why would I wanna know some guy who's stalking me." (Name) said. "I know you don't know this my dear but I have a lot of money." Luciano said. "Then buy yourself some manners." (Name) said and it was Luciano's turn to be insulted. "You could've been normal and asked me out or got to know me-" "Bu-" "No shut up I'm talking. You started stalking me instead. Do you know how much sleep I've lost over this. Don't think that just because you have money means you can take advantage of me." (Name) said.

Luciano sat down at the edge of (Name)s bed. "I can help your family with money if you'll be mine." Luciano proposed. "Do you think I'm gonna sell myself to you just like that." (Name) said. "No but I do know you love (sibling name) and that you want them to go to a nice school. And I know your family is barely getting by as it is." Luciano said. (Name) looked away and sighed. "All I have to do is be yours?" (Name) asked.

"Yes you won't have to do anything just let me take care of you love. Anything you want will be yours. Just say your mine and let me love you. Be my pet" Luciano said moving closer towards (Name). "I-I'll think about it." (Name) replied looking away. "I will back tomorrow." Luciano said kissing (Name) on the forehead.

~~timeskip brought to you by my love for my wife~~

(Name) had sat there  what seemed like forever. He looked over the collar again and blushed. "What do you say love?" Luciano had said taking in (Name)s blushing form. "I-I'll do it if you leave my friends and family alone." (Name) replied. He didn't want this but Luciano had offered was too good to be true. "Don't worry pet I'll take good care of you." Luciano said bringing his hand up and stroking (Name)s cheek.

"Remember I won't do anything you don't want me to." Luciano purred planting a small kiss on (Name)s nose. "Promise me you'll take good care of my family." (Name) said tears beginning to fill in his eyes. Luciano sighed and patted (Name)s head. "Do you not trust me my dear?" Luciano said. (Name) started to panic. "No it isn't that I just need to know." Luciano chuckled and kissed (Name) again softly. "Yes I will do everything you asked and more." Luciano replied.

Authors note- at how y'all doing?

hetalia x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now