Prussia x assassin reader hah ass

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Authors note- me and my wife have 6 cats

(Name) had a new job, the target was an albino named Gilbert. As much as (Name) didn't care to know who he was the job description told him to be friendly with him. And because of this (Name) had decided to play the role of the friendly neighbor. While he was taking his boxes up to his new apartment he passed said man.

"Hey there new to building." Gilbert asked. (Name) hadn't expected this to be that easy. "Yes I am! I'm moving into room 208." (Name) said putting on his best smile for Gilbert. Gilbert grinned and tried to take the box from (Name). "Here let me help! I'm right next to you, I'm room 209!" Gilbert exclaimed finally getting the box from (Name).

"Don't worry the awesome Pru- I mean Gilbert will help you move in." He said laughing. "Oh really? I wouldn't wanna intrude." (Name) said walling with Gilbert towards the room. "It will be no problem at all I have time till my brother is here." Gilbert said looking at his watch. "Well then I'd love the help." (Name) said smiling.

He opened the door and let Gilbert walk in to set the box down. "Maybe if your not tired later we can hang out!" Gilbert said winking. (Name) smiled and nodded. Gilbert was making this job too easy for him. Gilbert smiled wide and helped (Name) with more of his boxes.

When they had finished (Name) and Gilbert sat down on the couch and talked about the different people in the building. "And this guy named Alfred lives just above us and sometimes he throws parties!" Gilbert said. "You seem to know everybody in the building." (Name) said. "Yeah I try to know everybody cause I'm just that awesome!" Gilbert said pumping up his fist.

"Yes you've mentioned how awesome you were." (Name) said giggling. "You should do that more often." Gilbert said.  "Do what?" (Name) asked confused. "Laugh! I've noticed you giving me fake smiles that's why I'm trying to be nice! Cause no one can be sad in the presence of someone this awesome!" Gilbert said.

(Name) sighed and looked away. "Well moving away from family can do that." (Name) lied. "Well if you ever need someone to talk to I'm right next door." Gilbert said getting up and stretching. "See you later (Name)!" Gilbert said leaving. (Name) sat there for awhile before getting up and going to grab Gilbert's case file. "Now who could really want this guy dead." (Name) said reading over the text.

~~timeskip of *spins wheel* pirates??? ~~

(Name) sat down on the rooftop looking over the apartment buildings surrounding his. Today was supposed to be the day where Gilbert is supposed to be terminated. (Name) took in a breath before pulling different objects out of his bag. He still had to decide on which way to kill Gilbert.

He didn't want to leave a bullet wound on him and poisons seemed too much. He sighed and put them back into the bag and walked down into his room. He had a plan and it would put an end to it however he wouldn't be getting paid. He found out the man who had placed the order on Gilbert.

He was in the city today and was here on business. Just as he was deciding what to do he got a text. "Now" was all it read but (Name) knew what it meant. He paced his room and walked out, bag strung on his shoulder. "Hey (Name)!" Gilbert called approaching him. "Hey Gilbert." (Name) replied waving.

"You going somewhere?" He asked. "Yeah I just need to run an errand. But I can hang out for a bit." (Name) said smiling. "Awesome! Wanna watch a movie?" Gilbert asked. "We can start it but I'm afraid we'll need to be gone by then." (Name) said. He decided on his choice of what to do.

Someone was going to die and it wasn't going to be Gilbert. "I actually have a few things to tell you." (Name) said. They walked into his room and sat down on the couch. Gilbert nodded and put on Netflix. "I'll find something to watch while you tell me." He said flipping through the movies and TV shows.

"I'm an assassin." (Name) said. Gilbert paused for a bit and looked at (Name) to raise an eyebrow then went back to looking for a movie. "Okay?" Gilbert said. "I was hired to kill you." (Name) continued. "That's so not awesome." Gilbert said. "I'm also in love with you." (Name) finished. "And I plan on killing the man who put the target on you." Gilbert gulped and looked away.

"What was that?.... Before the killing part." Gilbert said. "I love you Gilbert." (Name) said. "So you're not going to kill the awesome me?" Gilbert asked. "No and I think I have to go soon. Y'know business calls." (Name) said standing up. "I thought I was the business." Gilbert said confused. "No not anymore." (Name) said smiling.

"So we're not watching a movie?" Gilbert asked sadly. "We can when I get back." (Name) replied. Gilbert scrunched up his nose. "Won't you have blood on you?" He asked. "Not if I do it right." (Name) said chuckling. Gilbert huffed and left the room with (Name).

"So (Name) wanna go on a date sometime?" Gilbert asked walking towards his room. "Only if the place is as awesome as you." (Name) teased. "You got it baby!" Gilbert said kissing (Name) and walking into his room. (Name) smiled and walked towards the stairs. Now to kill that man.

Authors note- I have an idea for a royalty au but its already getting to be too long so I don't know if it should be separate or not since I don't want it to take up too much room since its centered on one country. Idk what do you all think.?

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