Spain x male reader small

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Authors note- Im a tall person who helps others reach what they need and I enjoy it.

"I'm hungry" (Name) said sitting on the couch. "I am too." Antonio said from the ground. "Why are you on the ground?" (Name) said poking Antonio with his foot. "Because I'm on the ground." Antonio said. (Name) opened his mouth but closed it.

"Well I'm going to go grab a snack." (Name) said getting up and stretching. Antonio got up and ran into the kitchen. (Name) walked over to the counter and opened the cabinet. Antonio grabbed a tomato and took a bit out of it.

(Name) looked up and saw his favourite snack. But it was on the top shelf and he was too small to reach it. (Name) struggled reaching for the (fav snack) on the top shelf. Spain watched as (Name) reached on his tippy toes but still fail.

"I can help." Antonio said standing up from his seat. "No I got this." (Name) said jumping to try and reach. Antonio laughed softly watching the smaller male try and fail. "Are you sure?" He asked again. "Yes I am sure." (Name) said.

(Name) tried a few more more times before stopping. He walked over to the table and grabbed a chair. (Name) brought it over to the counters. He stood up on the chair and grabbed it. He crawled back down and moved the chair back.

"I still could've grabbed it." Antonio said taking a bite of a tomato. "Whatever I still have my (fav snack)." (Name) said wiggling up his snack in the air. "You want a tomato?" Antonio asked. "Heck no." (Name) said chewing on his snack.

Antonio laughed and finished his tomato. (Name) ate his snack then left the room. "Hey (Name). Guess what!" Antonio said rushing up behind (Name). "What?" (Name) said. Antonio pressed his lips against (Name)s quickly. "I love you." He said before walking away.

(Name) stood their processing what just happened. He blushed and touched his lips. "I love you too." (Name) said smiling and looking back at Spain. Antonio grinned and walked back to (Name). "Wanna buy turtles?" Antonio asked.

"No quit asking that." (Name) said annoyed. "Why turtles are great." Antonio whined. "If you can clean everything then fine." (Name) said. "But I love you." Antonio said glomping onto (Name). "I love you too I just don't want to deal with a thousand turtles." (Name) said.

"What if I only got 2 turtles?" Antonio said. "You'll probably bring home more then 10." (Name) said. "What if I love you forever." Antonio said. "You didn't already?" (Name) said moving out of Antonio's embrace to sit on the couch.

"Well okay true but what about this." Antonio said going to sit on (Name)s lap. "What if we buy 1 turtle and 1 (fav animal)?" Antonio said. (Name) thought about it before shaking his head.

"Your just trying to tick me into getting turtles." (Name) said burying his face into Antonio's chest. Antonio moved so that he was sitting and (Name) was laying on his lap. "No turtles?" Antonio said leaning down and placing kisses on (Name)s face. (Name) shook his head.

He gladly accepted the kisses and blushed lightly. "What do you wanna do?" Antonio asked looking down at (Name). "I'm not sure." (Name) said shrugging his shoulders. "What if we eat?" Antonio suggested. "We literally just ate not to long ago." (Name) said shaking his head.

"Yeah but I'm hungry." Antonio said. (Name) wondered why they where together. Antonio smiled and (Name) remembered why. "We could watch a scary movie" Antonio said. (Name) got up and walked out of the room. "NOPE!" (Name) yelled from the hallway.

Authors note- y'all can keep suggesting countries but I probably won't do them till tomorrow so sorry about that.

hetalia x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now