2p Canada x male reader Giant teddy bears

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Authors note- lmao I keep having to rewrite this.

(Name) sat on the couch waiting for his boyfriend to come home. (Name) checked his watch to see the time. '10:00' the digital watch read. "Where is he?" (Name) said aloud to himself. Matthieu was meant to be home an hour ago.

(Name) stood up and started pacing. As a million thoughts raced through his mind. He heard a knock at the door and ran to it. (Name) swung the door only to find a giant teddy bear. "Hey." A nice came from the bear. (Name) just stared at the teddy bear in front of him.

"Can I come in?" It said. "Oh uh sure thing mister bear." (Name) said moving to the side. The bear was thrown inside. (Name) looked at the person who threw it in. "Hey (Name)." Matthieu said closing the door. (Name) smiled and hugged his boyfriend.

"Matthieu where were you I was worried?" (Name) said pushing himself away and looking into Matthieu's eyes. "I was trying to get this thing here." Matthieu said motioning to the bear. "Who does it belong to?" (Name) asked looking at the bear.

"To you." Was all Matthieu said. That was all (Name) needed and he pounced on the bear. "It's bigger than me!" (Name) said cuddling the bear. "Yeah its 6 feet tall." Matthieu said taking his shoes off. (Name) hugged the bear and Matthieu left the room.

(Name) picked up the bear and dragged it around the house. Matthieu sat down in living room. "So what are you going to name.?" Matthieu said. "I'm going to name it (teddy bear name)." (Name) said throwing the bear in the air and catching it.

"There's a catch to the bear." Matthieu said. (Name) stopped and let the bear fall to the ground. "What is it?" (Name) said, worry in his voice. "It's made out of real bears." Matthieu said. (Name)s face turned into a horrified expression. Matthieu laughed and fell of the couch.

"No its not that thought is unbearable." Matthieu said laughing at his own joke. "It's a normal teddy bear. The real thing is-" Matthieu was cut off by (Name) throwing the bear at him. "What the HECK." (Name) yelled. Matthieu laughed more and sat up with the bear.

"I'm not even sorry." Matthieu said crossing the bear back at (Name). (Name) fell to the ground trying to catch the bear. The two looked at each other before they both bursted out laughing. "No the thing is its more then 200$." Matthieu said calming down.

(Name) looked down at the bear. "You know how much food we could've got with this money." (Name) said. "We already have food." Matthieu said. "Yeah but we could always get more." (Name) said standing up. "There's a another catch to the bear." Matthieu said.

(Name) stopped halfway and sat back down. "What is it." (Name) said. "It came with a cat." Matthieu said. "Where is the cat." (Name) asked. "I didn't take the cat." Matthieu said grinning. (Name) flipped the bear. "GODDAMIT MATTHIEU." (Name) yelled.

Matthieu laughed at the others reaction. "This is why we can't have nice things (Name)." Matthieu said laughing as (Name) threw a fit. Matthieu dragged the bear to beside (Name). "Hey there grumpy pants." Matthieu said teasingly. "My pants aren't grumpy." (Name) said leaning against the bear.

Matthieu looked down at (Name) from the opposite of the bear. (Name) stared back. Matthieu leaned in and tried to kiss (Name). (Name) swiftly moved the bears head so Matthieu kissed it instead.

(Name) giggled as Matthieu pulled away grumbling. "I love you." (Name) said leaning over to kiss Matthieu's cheek. "I love you too." Matthieu said sighing.

Authors note- I'm working on the turkey.

hetalia x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now