Germany x teacher male reader Embarrassed

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Authors note- it is I the pickle. Let's pretend Prussia is Germanys son cause I don't know what else to do.

(Name) flattened his shirt and checked his hair. It was parent teacher interviews and (Name) was nervous. He knew exactly who was waiting next and it worried him.

He walked to the door and took a deep breath. (Name) opened the door and saw as icy blue eyes meet his own. "I can see you now Mr Beilschmidt." (Name) said moving back to his desk.

Ludwig let Gilbert walk in then closed the door behind him. Gilbert ran to beside (Name) and looked over at Ludwig. "I need to tell Mr (Last Name) something." Gilbert said.

Ludwig sighed but nodded. "You and my dad should date." Gilbert whispered. (Name) laughed and covered his mouth. "Why would you say that Gilbert?" (Name) asked.

"Because I see the way you two look at each other." Gilbert said. "Oh really." (Name) said shaking his head in disbelief. "Its okay I got your back." Gilbert said. "Okay." (Name) said awkwardly.

Gilbert went to a seat and sat down. He motioned for Ludwig who walked over. Ludwig walked to the chair placed for parents. "He didn't bribe you did he?" Ludwig asked.

"No he didn't." (Name) said. "But if you have any questions you need to ask about I will try and answer them." (Name) said giving a nervous smile. Ludwig nodded and glanced down at Gilbert.

"How is he doing with the other kids." Ludwig said. (Name) glanced at Gilbert who started sweating. "Well he is getting along with other students. He is almost friends with everyone in the class." (Name) said.

"But he does talk in class quite a lot and gets in the occasional fights." (Name) said as Ludwig nodded. Gilbert sunk in his seat. "How is he in class." Ludwig asked.

"Oh he's great to have in class. He does his work and he tries his best." (Name) said clapping his hands together. Gilbert gave (Name) a thumbs up and smiled.

~~time skip of fuck I don't know *spins wheel* pineapples~~

"Okay is that all of your questions." (Name) said. " oh just one more." Ludwig said. (Name) nodded to show he was listening. "Are you single?" Ludwig Said blushing.

"Oh yes I am." (Name) said moving a peice of hair away from his face. "What a coincidence you are both single." Gilbert yelled.

The two adults just stared at Gilbert before turning back to their conversation. "Is that all the questions?" (Name) asked looking back at Ludwig. "Yes thank you for seeing us." Ludwig said.

"It was no problem Mr Beilschmidt. See you Gilbert." (Name) said. "My dad thinks your cute and he is also single." Gilbert said. "Gilbert!" Ludwig yelled blushing while (Name) blushed as well.

"Oh." (Name) said he turned his attention to Ludwig who was blushing madly. (Name) giggled and scribbled his number down on a piece of paper. (Name) handed it to Ludwig and winked.
"Call me." (Name) said. Ludwig blushed and nodded he walked to the door and left with Gilbert. "Good job dad you got his number." Gilbert said. "Why do you act this way." Ludwig said trying to walk faster.

Authors note- *pterodactyl screeches* please just give me countries I'm too mainstream to choose.

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