Male Belarus x male reader

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Authors note- you guys have no idea how gay I am for female Belarus.

(Name) opened his locker only to find more obsessive love letters. (Name) sighed and put the letters gently inside his backpack. "What are those?" Kolko asked.

"Oh hey Kolko they are just love letters I get." (Name) said closing his locker. "Oh like the ones I send to Amelia?" Kolko bemused laughing at herself. "I guess." (Name) said awkwardly.

"Well can I see the writing I may know it." Kolko said reaching to open (Name)s locker. "I locked my locker and you don't know the code." (Name) said. "Of course I know the code silly." Kolko giggled.

"Why do you know my code?" (Name) asked. "To make sure your not talking trash about me. I have everyone's code actually now I think about it." Kolko wondered.

"Woah wait hold on a sec your brothers walking by." (Name) said glancing when Nikolai turned his head. "Have I ever told you I want your brother to bang me." (Name) said blushing at the thought.

"Yes you have and Nichiko has written fanfictions of you two. She usually just writes about animated characters though." Kolko said.

"That's really sad to write about animated characters." (Name) said. "People actually love it." Kolko objected opening (Name)s locker. "Do people even read it." (Name) questioned.

"Of course people are reading right now." Kolko said looking at the reader. "What are you staring at?" (Name) asked. "Oh nothing." Kolko said grabbing a letter. She opened it and scanned the writing.

"This is my brother's writing." Kolko said laughing. "What how can you tell?" (Name) said in disbelief. "You see the way he dots his i's he learned it from me because I did it as a joke." Kolko said giggling at Nikolai.

"So your telling me that your hot as fu-" (Name) was interrupted as he was pulled away from Kolko. Kolko just smiled and waved goodbye. "What did my sister tell you about those letters." Nikolai threatened.

"That they're yours because of how you dot your i's." (Name) gulped. 'Is this how I die?' (Name) thought as Nikolai dragged him into a janitors closet.

"They really should start locking these." (Name) said trying to lighten the mood. Nikolai glanced at him and shut the door, locking it. "They are always locked but I broke in." Nikolai stated leaning towards (Name).

"Holy shit." (Name) said as Nikolai slammed him against the wall. "Are you scared?" Nikolai asked smirking at (Name)s blush. "A little yeah." (Name) said 'a little turned on as well'. "Well darling hope your not afraid of the dark too." Nikolai grinned.

(Name) stood there confused until the lights went out. "I'll wouldn't move if I were you." (Name) said. "What?" Nikolai asked. "I saw a spider above your head before the lights went out." (Name) said.

"I really don't care about the spider right now." Nikolai said moving his hands to grip (Name)s hips. "Oh" (name) squeaked out. Nikolai leaned in placing kisses on (Name)s neck.

"Oh wow this is not how I saw this going." (Name) breathed out. Nikolai hummed in response nipping at (Name)s flesh. "Kinda thought I was going to die." (Name) laughed out.

Nikolai pulled away and grabbed (Name)s face. "Why would I kill you my delicate doll." Nikolai whispered biting and licking (Name)s ear.

(Name) shuddered at the nickname he was given. The bell rang for everyone to go to class. "Alright well see you soon (Name)." Nikolai said walking away. "Wait what?" (Name) said looking at Nikolai.

"I don't skip classes (Name). But I would love to see you later alone at my house." Nikolai smirked leaving to class. "What just happened?" (Name) asked to no one.

Authors note- everything will be updated soon I just have ten left to write.

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