Canada x male reader highschool crushes

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Authors note- kids look weird but who am I to judge I look like a fetus

"Bro if your gonna stare at him you better go talk to him." Alfred said. "I don't know Alfred he looks busy already and I don't want to be a bother." Matthew said. "Oh my god.... Then I'm going over there." Alfred said. "Your WHAT!" Matthew said. (Name) looked over the pair and waved.

He walked over to them. "Hello Matthew hey Alfred." (Name) said. "Hey (Name) Alfred replied. "H-hi (Name)." Matthew said. "So dude we're throwing this party and we want you to come." Alfred said. "Matthew your gonna be there?" (Name) asked. "Um I-" "of course he's gonna be there its at our house!" Alfred said.

"Then I'll be there." (Name) said. "You know where we live. So Matthew will just have to text you so you know when to come." Alfred said. "Sure thing!" (Name) said. "Hey (Name)!" Yao called waiting for (Name). "Gotta go you guys." (Name) waved walking over to Yao.

When he was out of sight Matthew turned to Alfred. "Alfred why! I never said I'd go." Matthew said. "Yeah but (Name)s going because he think your going." Alfred said. "Okay?" Matthew said. "Come on bro use your head. Your supposed to be the smart one." Alfred said. Matthew looked at Alfred in confusion.

"It's because he likes you." Kiku said. Both the brother jumped in surprise. "Jesus Kiku when did you get there!" Alfred said holding his chest. "I was here the entire time." Kiku replied. "My boyfriend is a ninja." Alfred whispered to Matthew. "I'm not you two just didnt notice me." Kiku said. "Because your a ninja," Alfred said.

"No because I'm quiet." Kiku said. "Like a ninja." Alfred replied. "Do you really think (Name) likes me?" Matthew asked. "Yes I read his diary." Kiku said. "He has a diary?" Alfred asked. "How did you read it?" Matthew asked. "With my eyes." Kiku said.

"Savage." Alfred whispered. "How did you get (Name)s diary." Matthew asked. "I grabbed it." Kiku said. He brought out the book and handed it to Matthew. "Where did you get it from?" Matthew asked. "His locker." Kiku replied. "Why?" Matthew asked.

"Alfred said you needed all the help you could get." Kiku said. "Okay how did you get it from his locker." Matthew asked. "You asked a lot of questions Matthew." Alfred said. "I memorized his code and unlocked it." Kiki said. "Like a nin-" "yes we get it I'm a ninja." Kiku said and Alfred pouted.

"It says he likes you on page 10 and mentions you each day from there." Kiku said. "Alright.... Thanks Kiku." Matthew said. He flipped open the diary to page 10. 'I have a crush on Matthew Williams and I've never been happier.' It read. Matthew blushed and grinned.

He hugged the diary and laughed. "He actually likes me." Matthew said. "Yes we all know." Kiku said. "But what am I gonna do now?" Matthew asked. "Dude just talk to him." Alfred said. "You should probably put this back." Matthew said passing the diary back to Kiku.

"So how many other locker combinations do you have?" Alfred asked. "Everyone's..... I also have a key to open the school and the rooms." He finished. "Ninja boyfriend!" Alfred yelled picking Kiku up. Kiku screeched and Matthew left before things got any weirder.

~~timeskip of fireflies~~

"Alright hes here just tell him a good pick up line and everything will be good." Alfred said. "Has that ever worked for you?" Matthew asked. "Yes it has how do you think I got Kiku!" Alfred said. "I thought it was luck." Matthew replied. "What! No hope for your brother." Alfred said.

"I'm going to go talk to (Name) now." Matthew said. "Hey you didn't even answer me!" Alfred called back. Matthew walked up to (Name) and leaned against the wall. "Hey Mattie!" (Name) said. "H-hi (Name)." Matthew said looking at his shoes. He looked over at Alfred and Kiku who gave him a thumbs up.

He nodded and turned back to (Name). "So what's a place like you doing in a person like this." Matthew said. (Name) smiled and laughed. Matthew realized he screwed up and blushed. "I'm sorry about that. I just... Look I really like you and I have for awhile but I couldn't talk to you before because I was afraid. And I'm afraid now so I'm rambling and now this us weird and I'm sorry I'll just leave." Matthew said.

He walked away from a stunned (Name). Matthew had tears in his eyes as he approached Alfred and Kiku. "I messed up big time." Matthew said. "Oh Matthew its okay." Alfred said. "Yeah I guess." Matthew replied and he wiped his tears off on his hands. "(Name) is approaching." Kiku said.

Matthew stood up straighter an he felt someone turn him around. (Name) planted a kiss on Matthews lips and let go. "I like you too Matthew I've liked you since 3rd grade." (Name) said. "You had that diary for awhile then." Kiku said. "You were the one who took it!" (Name) said.
Authors note- I wonder if people in real life know I write this other then my wife

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