Canada x male reader booty nooty spaghotty tooty

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Authors note- How do my children feel about idk me bringing in Au's?

"Dude just tell my brother how you feel!" Alfred said. "You say it like it's easy." (Name) said sighing. "That's cause it is (Name) you silly guy." Alfred said. "Maybe for you since no one would turn you down." (Name) said. "One person turned me down." Alfred said. "Yeah one person and your brother doesn't even know me so why would he want to ho out with me?" (Name) said. "My brother wouldn't turn you down he needs a relationship anyways." Alfred said. "Are you sure I've never seen him flirt with anyone." (Name) said. "That's cause he's shy!" Alfred replied. "I bet 5$ that's your brother says no." (Name) said. "Alright I'm always down for free money." Alfred said. (Name) sighed and walked to the door. "At least I don't have to walk that far to get to your dorm." (Name) said. "But wait what if its cold out." (Name) said grabbing a jacket. "(Name) my dorm is literally just upstairs." Alfred said. "I'm stalling to make myself feel better." (Name) said. "Dude stop being such a scaredy cat and go." Alfred said. "Don't tell me what to do." (Name) said. "Get out!" Alter said. "You can't kick me out of my own dorm." (Name) replied. Well I just did." Alfred said. He picked (Name) up and threw him out. "I changed my mind please let me back in." (Name) said. "Go ask my brother out first." Alfred said. (Name) stayed outside for awhile before going to Alfred and Matthews dorm. (Name) ran down the hallway and up the stairs. (Name) calmly walked over to the dorm room. "Okay (Name) just knock." He whispered to himself.  (Name) knocked on the door not even expecting a reply. "Yes?" A voice came. "Oh shit." (Name) whispered. "Hey Matthew mind letting me in?" (Name) asked. "Sure but Alfred isn't here right now." Matthew said opening up the door. "I didn't come here to see Alfred." (Name) said. Matthew paused looking confused. "Why else would you be here?" Matthew asked. "I'm here to see you." (Name) said. "O-oh!" Matthew said blushing. The two stood there not knowing what to do. "Well come in." Matthew said opening the door wider. "Thanks Matthew." (Name) said. (Name) walked into the dorm and sat down on a bean bag chair. They both sat down in  awkward silence. "So did you need me for something?" Matthew asked. "I came to ask you a question." (Name) said. "What did you want to ask?" Matthew said. "I wanted to know....if you like pancakes." (Name) said blushing. "Is it because I'm Canadian?" Matthew said. (Name) sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I actually wanted to know if you'd like to go out sometime." (Name) said. Matthew blushed and tried to hide his face. "As friends or something else." Matthew said. "I kinda wanna maybe be your boyfriend." (Name) replied. "If really like to be your boyfriend as well." Matthew said. (Name) grinned and walked over to Matthew. (Name) brought Matthew into a hug and kissed his cheek. "I owe your brother 5$." (Name) said.

Author's note- I already kinda did an au with Alice in wonderland. But what about America being a ghost buster with his boyfriend. OR WHAT ABOUT THE COUNTRIES  BEING CRYSTAL GEMS!!!!!

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