Japan x male reader

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Authors note- I like Japan he's one of my favourites

"Okay Kiku remember we're only going to the store for a few things." (Name) said. "Right." Kiku replied. (name) unlocked the car and they both got in. "Which means no buying anything that isn't on the list." (Name) said. "Of course." Kiku said. "Now babe if you see something you want what do you do." (Name) asked.

"I hide it in the cart." "Kiku NO." (Name) sighed. "Okay if you see something you want then show it to me we probably won't go over the budget." (Name) said. Kiku nodded. They both buckled up and drove to the store. They got out and tried to find a cart. "Oh no it must be busy." (Name) said. "Gilbert might have stolen most of them." Kiku said.

"What would Gilbert need with a bunch of shopping carts?" (Name) asked. "He's using them as bumper cars." Kiku replied. (Name) gave a worried look and tried to find a cart. "Found one." Kiku said rolling beside (Name) with a cart. "When did you even have time to find this?" (Name) said. "Unimportant." Kiku replied. They walked into the store.

(Name) brought out the grocery list and read through it. "Okay kiku we gotta grab a few things and go." (Name) said. He looked around only for kiku to not be there. "Where the fu-" (Name) said before being interrupted by the sound of wheels coming near him. "I am here." Kiku said. (Name) smiled and walked toward him.

"And here I thought I'd have to ask someone to call for you." (Name) said. Kiku shrugged and stepped to the side of the cart to allow (Name) to push. They walked down into the first aisle and loomed around. "Oh no it seems their out of pasta sauce." (Name) said frowning. "I wonder who made that happen." Kiku said. They both stopped and looked at each other.

"Feliciano." They said in unison. "Well I guess we just have to find everything else on the list." (Name) said. "How about this." Kiku said holding up a box of pockey. "Well we are supposed to stick to the list but that won't make us go over the budget." (Name) said. "Throw it in." And so Kiku threw it in.

"How did you even get that? Isn't that 3 aisles away." (Name) questioned. "I can run fast." Kiku stated. "That still doesn't explain how you got from this aisle to three aisles away in a blink of an eye." (Name) muttered. Kiku just smiled and kept walking. They got the rest of the things they needed in that aisle and went to the next one.

"Can we get this." Kiku said pointing to a box of candy. "Sure it won't break the budget." (Name) said. He walked through different aisles and grabbed the rest of the stuff on the list. "There we're all prepared. We can go now Kiku." (Name) said. "Can we get this." Kiku asked holding a game.

"Don't we already have that one?" (Name) questioned. Kiku frowned and (Name) started sweating. "We could get it." He said. Kiku smiled and put it in the cart. They walked to the checkout. Kiku threw random candies and gum onto the conveyor.

When the worker finally finished checking everything out she said the total. "It comes up to 123$ are you paying with cash or card?" She asked. "Um card." (Name) said. He sighed and payed for it. Kiku and (Name) grabbed the groceries and headed to their vehicle. "We went over the budget." (Name) whined. "Only by a little bit." Kiku said. "Kiku we went over by 73$!" (Name) said. "Oh well." Kiku replied.

Authors note- I love m'wife

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