Norway x male reader Netflix and nothing

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Authors note- damn Daniel back at it again with those ghost powers.

Lemon zest

"Okay what are we going to do tonight?" (Name) said. "It's today (Name), what are we doing today." Lukas stated. (Name) rolled his eyes. "Fine what are we doing today?" (Name) said. "Sleeping. Let me sleep." Lukas replied shoving a pillow in (Name)s face. "Lukas it's 9:30 at night." (Name) said moving the pillow. "That's sounds really fake." Lukas said. He sat up and looked to clock they kept on their night stand. "You were right for once." Lukas muttered getting up and stretching. Lukas walked over to the dresser. "Where are my clothes?" Lukas asked looking over to (Name). "I'm wearing your shirt and the rest are in the washer machine." (Name) replied. "All of them are dirty?" Lukas questioned raising an eyebrow. "Yes all of them." (Name) said. "Your lying." Lukas pointed out. "No I'm not." (Name) said getting out of bed. "I know when your lying (Name), you start to sweat when you do." Lukas said walking over to (Name). Lukas leaned in studying (Name)s face. "What should I do to get you to tell me." He said bringing his hands up brushing them on (Name)s cheeks. "If I find out your lying..." Lukas whispered. "Your going to get a punishment." He finished. "Damn." (Name) muttered, blushing profusely. "Which way will it be then (Name)?" Lukas said pushing (Name) down onto the bed. "It depends." (Name) replied trying to keep his cool. "Depends on what?" Lukas asked rasing an eyebrow. "Justice. I can't be punished unless put trial." (Name) said. "I can see how you and Alfred are friends." Lukas said. "If that was and insult try better next time." (Name) said. "I don't need to insult you since you already embarrass yourself." Lukas pointed out. "What does my embarrassing actions have to do with dick." (Name) said sticking up his middle finger. "Oh no a finger whatever will I do." Lukas teased sticking his tounge out. "Rude!" (Name) said. "You wanna know what else is rude?" Lukas asked. "What?" (Name) replied. "Hiding my clothes." Lukas said. "Well I think nude is a good look on you." (Name) teased. "(Name) no." Lukas said. "Why?" (Name) asked. "Cause if I'm going to be nude so are you." Lukas said swiftly taking off (Name)s underwear. "Hey that's not fair." (Name) replied trying to cover himself.. Lukas rolled his eyes. "There is literally nothing I've not seen on your body." Lukas said tracing his finger up (Name) leg. (Name) let out a small whimper and shivered. "So (Name) are you going to tell me where my clothes are?" Lukas said leaning towards (Name). "I didn't do anything with your clothes." (Name) said. "Alright we'll do this the hard way." Lukas said. "How about- hey wait I like this shirt." (Name) protested as Lukas took off his shirt. Lukas grabbed (Name)s hips and lifted him to his own. Lukas quickly reached under the sheets to grab a small bottle. He squirted some onto his fingers. He entered two of his fingers moving them slowly. (Name) moaned softly as lukas stretched out his fingers. Adding in another finger after awhile. "Lukas~" (Name) called. Lukas removed his fingers causing (Name) to whine. Lukas rubbed himself against (Name)s entrance. He slammed himself against (Name) causing a shout. He pulled all the way out only to slam himself back in. (Name) bit down on his hand to stifle his moan. "I'm going to ask you one more time (Name). Where are my clothes?" Lukas whispered roughly. (Name) only let out a moan and whimper. Lukas rolled his hips against (Name)s. (Name) shuttered and moaned. Lukas grunted and started moving his hips faster. Lukas leaned in closer biting down on (Name)s shoulder and neck. "Lukas I'm going to cum." (Name) said between pants. Lukas moaned into (Name)s neck moving faster. (Name) came onto himself and Lukas. Lukas came after pulling out and cumming on top of (Name). The two panted as lukas laid down beside (Name).

~~timeskip brought to you by Pepe the frog~~

"I told you." (Name) said. "Well how was I supposed to know?" Lukas said. "You could've checked the laundry room." (Name) replied. "You could've told me I needed to do laundry." Lukas said. "I didn't want to." (Name) shrugged. "You planned this didn't you." Lukas glared. "I didn't do anything but have a good time." (Name) giggled walking away. "You little shit." Emil said.

Authors note- anyone wanna see pictures of my tarantula while I'm still at my mom's. His name is Micky.

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