Australia x male reader

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Authors note- i almost went to jail once only once

"Come on (Name) its not like your going somewhere else." Tino said trying to get (Name) out of the door. "No absolutely not I'm staying home and doing nothing." (Name) replied.

"But you did nothing yesterday." Tino replied. "Yes thats the point I'm supposed to do nothing." (Name) said. "You going (Name) and that's final." Tino said shoving (Name) outside.

"I don't even like parties, the only parties I like are birthday parties and that's because there's food." (Name) said. "Trust me its not that big of a party its just a few friends." Tino said dragging (Name) to his car.

"Why don't you go with someone else then." (Name) said. "Because your my friend and nobody knows you." Tino said. "I'll go but I'll complain the whole time." (Name) replied.

"Your going to complain no matter what." Tino said. "Alright fine let's go but I'm going to have a bad time." (Name) said. "You always have a bad time wherever we go." Tino said.

~~timeskip of I don't know a....shoe?~~

"Please don't make me do this." (Name) said. "We're doing this." Tino said. "Friends don't make other friends go to parties." (Name) said. "That's exactly what friends do." Tino said knocking on the door.

"Pretty cool how we got here so fast its almost like the writer is lazy." (Name) said. "Wha- hey Alfred how are you." Tino said. "Hey Tino what's up buddy! I see you brought someone, my names Alfred." Alfred said opening up the door further.

"Come on in guys." Alfred said. "Alright thanks." Tino said pushing (Name) inside. "You said this would be small." (Name) whispered. "This is small you just don't get out often." Tino said. "Rude." (Name) replied.

"Oh look there's Arthur." Tino said walking away. "What have you done." (Name) said standing by himself. "Hey there." Some guy with a band aid on his nose said.

"Hi." (Name) said feeling the awkwardness set in. "My names is Ralph what's yours?" Ralph said. "My name is (Name)." (Name) said. "That's a cool name my name is kinda weird. Who names a kid Ralph?" Ralph said.

"I think you have a neat name." (Name) said. "Thanks (Name)." Ralph replied. "No problem." (Name) said. "Who did you come here with?" Ralph asked. "I came here with my friend Toni." (Name) replied.

"No way you know Toni!" Ralph said. "Yeah we've been friends since high school." (Name) said. "Me and Toni are really good friends and I would even dare to say we're best friends." Ralph said.

~~timeskip of timeskips that are timeskipping their timeskips~~

"(Name) its time to go." Toni said. "Uh yeah just hold for a bit." (Name) said. "Will I be as to see you again perhaps." (Name) asked. "Perhaps yes although next time it could possibly be a date." Ralph said winking.

"I would really like that." (Name) said blushing. "Nice here's my number." Ralph said pulling out a piece of paper. "Do you want mine?" (Name) said. "I would love it." Ralph replied.

"Alright." (Name) said grabbing a price of paper and jotting it down. They exchanged the papers. "So I'll see you next time?" (Name) asked. "You bet gorgeous." Ralph said.

Authors note- I have more kids then Pokemon if we're not counting doubles, energy's,supports,and the other things

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