2p!America x male reader what a jackass

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Authors note- I will be updating as much as possible. Accept for tomorrow or the next day cause I'm hanging out with my wife.

(Name) leaned against the wall of the coffee shop. He waited as his friend got him coffee. So he looked around at the people outside. His friend, Oliver, walked back with two coffee cups in hand. "Here you are (Name). Sorry for the wait up, well you see my friend just so happens to be at the register. He is not the best person to be around. His name is Allen and he is very vulgar." Oliver went on as (Name) looked down on Oliver's cup.

The two exited the shop and began walking."Did you read what he wrote." (Name) said trying not to giggle. Oliver quickly read what Allen had written and glanced over to (Name). "He thinks you're cute." Oliver muttered looking down at (Name)s cup. "What did he put for yours?" Oliver questioned as (Name) checked to see. "Well damn." (Name) blushed as he stared at the numbers.

"I have his number." (Name) stated as the two walked down the street. Oliver began to giggle as (Name) blushed. "Are you going to call him?" Oliver asked as they entered his house. "Maybe he was rather hot." (Name) said whispering the last part. "Well I should thank you (Name). For helping me to pick some things up." Oliver said as (Name) nodded his head.

Oliver started to talk about different things as (Name)s mind wondered. "And anyways Allen is single so I wasn't really surprised he asked you out." Oliver rambled, this caught (Name)s attention. "He's single?" (Name) said looking at Oliver. "About as single as you can get." Oliver replied as his cat jumped up on his lap. "Well I should probably get going now." (Name) said looking down at his watch.

"Why would you look at your watch when there is a clock right there?" Oliver questioned. (Name) laughed and replied. "Why have a watch if I'm not going to use it." Oliver groaned at the reply. The two said their goodbyes and (Name) left walking back to his house. 'I'm going to call him' (Name) thought as he walked down the street.

~~timeskip brought to you by me being married~~

(Name) walked through the door and walked to his couch. He laid down on it for awhile before pulling out his cellphone. (Name) grabbed the cup that had Allen's number on it and dialed. It ringed for awhile till he heard someone pick up. "Yo this is Allen." A male voice said. "Hi I'm (Name), Oliver's friend. I saw you at the coffee shop today." (Name) said feeling his face heat up. "Oh hey sweet cheeks." Allen said.

(Name) blushed at the comment but tried to keep his cool. "What did you have in mind when you wrote down your number." (Name) asked getting up and walking to his room. "Well if your into guys then we could date or some shit." Allen said causing (Name) to raise his eyebrow. "Do you really think I would phone of I wasn't interested in guys." (Name) said giggling.

"Woah don't need to pull out the sass mister leaning against walls cause I think I'm cool." Allen replied laughing. "Hey I gotta keep up my image on being cool on the inside and outside." (Name) said laughing along. "Well your alot more fun then I originally thought." Allen stated. "What did you think I was boring?" (Name) asked as he laid down on his bed. "You hang out with oliver and that's lame on its own." Allen replied.

"That's rude Oliver is a sweet guy (Name) stated. "Hey I gotta go soon my shift is coming up again." Allen said making (Name) frown. "When do you get off of work?" (Name) questioned as he went to look at the time. "I don't get off until 6'oclock but if you wanna maybe go on a date we could meet somewhere." Allen suggested.

"Alright." (Name) said. "Okay then see you later sweet cheeks." Allen said. "See you soon hunny buns." (Name) said giggling. Allen hung up the phone and so did (Name). (Name) rolled over in his bed and looked at his alarm clock. "Wow." (Name) said ah he looked at the clock, it read 4:27. (Name) sighed and closed his eyes. "What a jackass." He mumbled before getting up to go call oliver.
Authors note- I haven't updated recently because I got legit married to m'wife.

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