Germany x male reader marly & me

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Authors note- I'm trash for not updating as much as I should. But hey at least I'm grade A trash. And thanks for 300+ reads you guys are hella rad.
(Name) held a movie in his hands. But not just any movie, Marley & me. ( Name) knew it was a dog movie. He wasn't sure what kind of dog movie it was. (Name) wanted to spend more time with a certain blonde. So he bought it in hopes of watching it with the German. Since Ludwig had three dogs himself. Ludwig might enjoy the movie. He walked to Ludwig's house. Him being only a couple blocks away from (Name).

(Name) came to the steps of the blonde German. He knocked on the door only to be greeted by dogs barking loudly and German ramblings. The door opened as three dogs pounced on the (size) male. He fell to the ground as the dogs licked his face. Ludwig sighed and told the dogs to get off, apologising to the (age) man. Helping (Name) up and shooing the dogs inside.

Ludwig noticed the movie (Name) was holding. He pointed to it questioning. " what is zhat?" The (hair colour) male handed the movie over to Ludwig. "Oh, this is a movie I thought we could watch." Ludwig studied The movie for awhile. Ludwig nodded and led the other into the house. (Name) shut the door behind him and took off his shoes. Ludwig set the movie down on the coffee table and walked into the kitchen. (Name) walked to the couch and sat down beside the largest dog.

Ludwig walked back into the living room with snacks. He popped the movie into the DVD player. He made his way over to (Name) and sat beside him. His smallest dog came to sit on his lap. He played the movie and you cuddled towards the dog. The movie played as Ludwig's eyes were glued to the screen. You would glance at him every so often. Paying more attention to Ludwig then the movie. He moved his hands as they brushed up against yours. Both of you blushed and looked at each other. He apologized and moved his hand

~~time skip to when movie is over cause im lazy~~

Ludwig cried as he held onto his dogs. Telling them how much he loved them. (Name) was now regretting his decision of showing Ludwig the movie. He pat the blondes back. Ludwig looked behind him and pulled (Name) in for a hug. Squeezing him and crying. (Name) held him back while he blushed lightly. "Hey Ludwig?" The German hummed in response still to sad to talk.

"Sorry I made you watch it. Ludwig sighed into (Name)s hair. " I made zhe choice to watch it." (Name) ran his fingers through his crush's hair. "This wasn't really how I expected this to go." Ludwig made a confused hum. "What do you mean?" (Name) Laughed softly. "I wanted to have a happy moment with you and maybe it would make you see that I'm a cool person. I really like you Ludwig." The words slipped out of (Name)s mouth as he spoke. He blushed as red as a tomato and buried his face into Ludwigs chest.

" I like jou (Name)" Ludwig stated finished with his crying.
(Name) looked up at Ludwig and smiled. They leaned into each other and kissed. As (Name) was getting into it. The smallest dog came between both of them and barked. Ludwig and (Name) looked at each other and laughed as the dog scurried off to do something. The two shared another kiss before going back to cuddling.

Authors note- to what up homie g as I stated before thank you for reading this book and oh yeah one more thing. When Halloween rolls around and day of the dead I will be uploading more stories for you people. See ya

hetalia x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now