2 Years Later...

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Arima Kousei POV:

I'm currently inside my own music room, alone, while playing my lullaby, Love's Sorrow in my new home.

Okutsu Music School is in Tokyo and life in a city is different from living in a different prefecture.

My mother had always played it for me until I fall asleep under the piano. How she plays it was like a mother, caressing her own baby.

I do know that when I was a Junior High School student, my mom's shadow or should I say, her ghost had always stopped me from hearing my own?

All of a sudden, a certain girl brought me back to stage.

Her personality's rough and most of all, different from all of the girls I have met. She returned me back on stage and I'm so thankful she did or I won't be studying in a prestigious school like Okutsu.

As I play Love's Sorrow on my own, I still do remember how thankful I am to have met her, my monotone world had color once again.

I wouldn't be pursuing or continuing a music career if I haven't met her.

It was also thanks to her that I can never go back to being the shy, lifeless doll that was me before.

I always imagine her telling me, 'But you have me!' I don't know if she's really gone but knowing she loved me made my heart flutter.

As I elegantly immerse myself to music, a knock interrupts it which distracted me.

I was still able to finish the song, though.

"Kousei!" someone called me.


"Chiz!" my soccer friend, Watari Ryota spoke up after I got in the dining room.

"Hisashiburi!" Tsubaki added.

I was surprised to see them back. Most of my first year were only spent by hanging out with Emi and Aiza back in Okutsu.

I almost cried my heart out after I saw them back but Tsubaki just punched my stomach making me forget that I want to cry.

"Still a crybaby! You never change!" Tsubaki told me.

"Why visit?' I asked.

She pouted. "Have you forgotten? We'll be watching you perform Love's Sorrow in your cultural festival in Okutsu, right?"

In that instant, Aiza and Emi came into view, too. "What are you doing? Are you ready?" Aiza blurted out.

Both of my closest friends were surprised to see them. "Did you tell them about me, playing in the cultural festival?"

"I did. Watari won't stop calling me out on my phone to ask anything about you since he wanted to make his girlfriend attend a Classical performance," Emi told me.

Tsubaki blushed. "I'm not Watari's girlfriend!!!"

Everyone of us laughed. I whispered to the two of them, "Do they even know what kind of Cultural Festival we have in Okutsu?"

"What do you mean about that? They're classical music fans, too right?" Emi told me.

"I know about that but they haven't seen me play with Yui, right?" I began to blush.

"What's that blush for?" both of them started laughing at me.

"Can't you just let go of that! You keep on teasing me every time I mention her!" I suddenly blurted out.

When I looked back at Watari and Tsubaki, they seemed like they want to know what I'm talking about.

How can I not blush when I mention Yui? Yui reminded me of Kaori.

Seto Hiroko came over us and said, "The dinner is ready, kids. Why don't you all wat now?"

I grinned at her happily and she smiled at me, too.


The day came so quick that the Cultural Festival was held.

It's my first time to play with her.

Yui stood in front of me elegantly with her golden hair and white, sleeveless gown while practicing the violin.

She's different from Kaori as she seemed to remind me about my old self when I was dubbed the Human Metronome. She plays according to how the composer wrote it but she's able to put her own self as well while doing that.

No one calls me that, now. I have shown most people what I'm capable now as a musician.

My mentor, Seto Hiroko, entered the practice room to check on us but I was shocked when she didn't even look at me but to my partner, Yui."Yui, do your best alright?" Seto told her.

I went closer and saw Seto-san's eyes. They were nervous and anxious. Seto-san looked back at me and patted my head before she left our room.

That's when I got curious.

Why is Seto-san so worried for Yui?

As our time to get up on stage drew closer, Yui explained it to me even though I haven't even asked her about it, "I'm her niece. She told me everything about you but I'm not like you. I am not planning to keep being a soloist. I want to get up on stage, acting while someone I love plays a piano and violin for me. Most of all, I want to become a member of an Orchestra."

Her smile moved my empty soul. Her smile is pure and without sorrow.

How can she even smile so much without pain?

My journey here is spurred with pain and suffering.

How can she smile like there's nothing to worry about?

I badly wanted to reach her again but there's nothing I can do anymore. She passed away but even though she passed away, she is still with me.


A/n: Vote and Comment, okay?

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