What I Am Now

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A/n: My story literally got extended. Thank you everyone for reading my story!


Arima Kousei POV:

At lunch, I still feel my hangover. I sat beside my wife while we eat at the dining room with Tsubaki, my uncle and my cousin. Our lunch today wasn't my favorite, actually as the food on the table wasn't my favorite and I got tired of eating steak. I have lots of it when I was in London.

I know that it really is cooked deliciously but I have lots of it in my teen years.

Tsubaki stared at me with a confused face. She may be wondering why I'm not touching my steak.

I finished eating the potato salad first. After that, I ate the mushroom and egg soup.

"Kousei, are you okay?" Kaori asked me.

I looked at her blue eyes and nodded. She's wearing her eye contacts again. "I do. It's just that... You know... The main course."

She laughed at me. "You haven't touched it yet. I know it's not your most favorite food but you have to eat."

"I guess so," I began slicing the meat and ate it. I'm happy that it's well done than what I mostly get in London.


In the evening, Kazuhiko and my uncle left while I came with Tsubaki inside the black car with a chauffeur after Watari called me that he would want to go back to their home straight to rest. Also, he told me that he would want to tell me something face to face.

Kaori joined us when she told me that she would want to see their home.

A few hours later, we arrived at their sweet, little home. It's smaller than ours and there's only one floor. There's a small gate that divides the main stairs and their small garden.

It's really a simple home than mine. Our chauffeur parked the car in front and told him to wait for us.

Watari welcomed us and Tsubaki quickly entered their home with Kaori while Watari left standing in front of me.

"Why are we still standing here?" I asked him.

"Come with me at the backyard. Tsubaki told me to be the one to reveal to you her occupation. She's a bit scared to tell you," he told me.

Scared? Why would she be scared to tell me her job?

We began walking at the backyard. "First off, your uncle, Nakiri Ryuu-sama came in your office after I did what you ordered me to do. He told me that he'll meet you tomorrow as he wanted to prepare you for the business meeting of his own business group."

After hearing those words, I smiled at him, "I guess it'll be different than my meeting with the other CEOs of Arima Group."

We already stopped walking after we arrived at their backyard. I looked at him and noticed that he looked worried.

"Kousei, for the long time that we've been together, I knew that you're still the same person before you left Japan. You changed a bit. Now, you're faced with heavy responsibilities and challenges after you returned here. Well, Tsubaki and I changed a lot, too. I felt afraid to tell you what her work is when I noticed how you treat the media," he told me which shocked me.

"Is she a journalist? Is that what you mean?" I asked him.

"Yes, she is," he revealed to me.

I can't believe that Tsubaki would end up as a journalist.

I felt bad. My actions towards the media was how Thomas taught me. He trained me on the necessary skills I would need as an Arima. "Tsubaki's still a friend. There's no need to worry that I might get angry to her just because she's a journalist. She's a long time friend who believed that I am still alive even if I told all of you to forget me. I knew she wouldn't believe my lie."

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