Thousand Words

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A/n: Thank you for all my loyal readers!!! You make me happy!


Arima Kousei POV:

After a few minutes, we finally reached Mr. Ham Yates's office. I pictured him to be a well-built and respectable, old man after I saw his picture in the document which Watari gave me. He's been a producer for twenty years already and his friendship with the Arima Group began twenty years ago. I understand now why my father sent me as his representative. His secretary told us that there's a CCTV in front of Mr. Ham Yates's door and so, she showed herself in the monitor before us. In a few seconds, she called us in.

The glass door opened automatically until Mr. Ham Yates showed up in front of us. Anna stood beside him. Like my first impression of him, he's really a well-built man but old. "Welcome. It's a good thing you finally arrived. I was waiting for you for hours after your Chief of Staff called."

I nodded and smiled at him, "So, where do we start?"

He also smiled at me. We went at the meeting room together with our companions. After arriving in our destination, only me and Mr. Ham Yates sat at the large, silver table that could seat ten people. The meeting room is very much secured and elegant. It has a lot of blinds covering the transparent glass window and of course, I could see that there is a whiteboard in front of us. Watari and his secretary stood behind each of us. "So, why don't we start talking now? What do we talk about?"

I began showing him my company's progress after I replaced my father and also, the progress of the Arima Group after my father replaced my grandfather. I was happy that he looked pleased and happy. He also reminded me that I will be playing 'Fur Elise' in the Orchestra which he sponsors. I nodded in response and in the end of the meeting, I really felt happy that I was able to represent my father without becoming a big failure.

We held our hands together and shook them. "So, you're also a Nakiri. I've also heard that they were nurturing you to become the first president of the future union of two huge business groups," he told me. 

I scratched my head a bit. It's true that my family wanted me to become the first chairman of a large union of two business groups since they consider me as the person that united two old enemies and ceased the old tension between them. I created peace and I know it's true. I do remember bits of the pieces of my past before I was shot, anyway. "I heard that you were shot by President Park, are you alright now?" he asked me. 

I froze. My hands became sweaty. I felt faint and a bit dizzy. I only know that I was shot after my mom revealed to me that President Park tried to kill her. I can only see a blur of what actually happened to us. I still don't remember what actually happened. I took my hand off from him but after I took off my hands from him, I was almost outbalanced.

Luckily, Watari was able to catch me. I sat at my seat again to calm myself. He stepped in and told him, "Forgive me, sir but President William Arima still haven't remembered everything that happened in his past, most especially, traumatic experiences. He still needs a lot of time until he's fully recovered."

Mr. Ham looked at us and so, he told him, "I apologize. I didn't know. Please forget what I said." 

Watari bowed in response. He held me and took me away from the room but as I'm walking, my eyes began to water. I asked Watari, "I guess I'm unconsciously forcing myself to remember what actually happened that day. I don't even remember who took me away from my room. The only thing I know, I thought I'll die due to blood loss. I was able to protect my mother and that's the only thing I remember."

Watari laid me on a chair where I could sit but when I looked at his eyes, I knew he's worried for me but why does his eyes look at me pitifully, too?
"Watari, please don't pity me. I'm fine."

"I'll take you home. In your condition, you really can't meet your cousin today. I'll cancel it like you said so," he told me.

"Thank you, Watari," I told him.


Watari Ryota POV:

I took him inside the car silently and upon getting inside, he began closing his eyes. I smiled at my old best friend. Our lives may be different now but he really is still the old Arima Kousei who cries over things.

I wonder how I'll ask Tsubaki to marry me, though. She usually calls me every now and then, complaining why I didn't tell her that I'll be accompanying Kousei in his work here.

Well, if I told her, she'll definitely want to come with me to be with Kousei again. It's a good thing I explained that Kousei and Kaori are in honeymoon. I quickly went inside the car. My friend truly looks tired and a forgotten pain resurfaced when Mr. Ham Yates asked him about President Park. I care a lot about my friend like other people, of course. He's a good person, after all.

Also, I was so surprised by who the Arimas are, truly. I never thought that my best friend is a son of the owners of an enormous business groups in Japan. He opened his eyes in the middle of our journey. His eyes looked sad a bit.

"Are you feeling fine at all?" I asked him quickly. 

He grinned and told me, "I am absolutely fine, Watari."


A/n: I know that this is short but I hope you like it!!! Don't forget to comment and vote, okay?

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