Love Triangle

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Watari Ryota POV:

A week had already passed by after Tsubaki and I got married. I already returned in the company. I went to my office and read the files that Kousei should receive for today. Most of all, it was in the afternoon when one of his secretaries and the intern assistant secretaries entered my room. 

"Why are the two of you here?" I asked the two women in front of me while I'm writing up a report. 

"CEO William Arima wants to see you, sir," Suzuki Yumi told me. She's one of the interns in our company. She's young and just as old as Kousei. She does have brown eyes and black hair with some traces of brown which makes it obvious that she colored it.

"I'm coming right up," I told her as I shut down my computer. "Why do both of you have to tell me that he wanted to meet me?"

They looked at each other and they seemed scared. "Have you been scolded by him? Both of you looks electrified by something."

Secretary Mikah, Kousei's secretary who's five years older than him finally told me while her hazel eyes were filled with drops of tears, "He's still angry about the article. It made him angry more when he learned that the article was done to actually attack Arima Music Records. He told us that he ordered you to talk with the author and so, he wanted to see you."

I was suddenly filled with fear, too. If he can make two women cry, what will happen to me, anyway? Will he keep calm when I finally tell him what Romeo and I talked together?

I finally stood up from my seat and went straight to his room. I knocked for a while until I found Director Yoshikawa whisper to me, "Be gentle with him. He almost fired me today."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The report still leaked but luckily, we were able to use the leaked report in another way which calmed him. I used the wrong news to actually use it back against our competitors," he informed me while he gets out of his office. 

"How did he know about the leaked report?" I asked him. 

"I entered the room with a peace of mind until he showed me a video talking about it. He told me that if I haven't done something and used it back to attack our competitor, he could have fired me. He was a kind Arima when he first became the new CEO and after two years, he's slowly becoming like his father. Well, why should I be surprised anyway?" he said as he leave the room. 

I gulped hard and entered the room. 

At first I wanted to make the atmosphere happy and cool but when Kousei already stared at my eyes, I was frozen. I couldn't recognize him.

It's as if some other person is sitting right in front of me. 

"Well, what are you waiting for?" he asked me while he looks intensely at me. 

I sighed and after a few minutes, I finally spoke to him, "He was forced to do it. Most of all, I hope you forgive him for writing wrong news! He doesn't want to be in jail because of that!"

"I can see that. It's still wrong of him to mess up with us. Watari, what did he say to you?" he asked me again. 

"He says that he's sorry and he promises to publicly say sorry," I closed my eyes and when I opened it up again, I was finally relieved when in that moment, Kousei returned back to the person I am comfortable with. 

"Good. Now I'm relieved. My father promised me that he will be the one to handle the issue from now on. I just want to know what Romeo thinks," he told me as he stand up from his seat. 

"Also, Kousei... he did it because of me. Forgive me if he wrote something bad against Arima Music Records because of a silly love triangle," I informed him with my voice like a whisper. 

"Love triangle?" he asked me as he pour champagne in two glass cups. 

"Romeo wrote it since he wanted to get my attention. He was forced to do it but he also got that opportunity to actually make me look bad on you. Romeo is in love with Tsubaki and he thought that if I get myself fired by my own friend, Tsubaki would hook up on him but in the end, it backfired," I told him. 

He laughed a bit and soon, he gave me the cup, "You must not worry, Watari. Tsubaki likes you."

I drank the champagne with him. "You scared me a lot!" I told him. 

"Sorry about that. My aura changes a bit when I'm serious," he informed me as he drank his cup and closed the bottle. 

"Is that the only reason why you called me?" I asked him. 

"No. You have other duties to tend to and I have orders you have to take," he told me. "Collect some important files in the file storage about the managers of the three most unknown singers of Arima Music Records and also, get me the newest file report of the String Instrument Department if they are already able to attain the goal for this month after I allowed them to get the excess wood that the Piano Division didn't use. I want to know if I should give them more fund to buy new woods," he ordered me. 

I felt relieved and in that moment, I went out of his room quickly. 

I quickly obeyed his order and after I returned back, he was just engrossed in working as the company's CEO.

I helped him understand the files and reports I took from the file storage. After that, he left me some more jobs when he informed me that he will be back for him to practice for his Piano Concert.

He decided to do it after Kaori gives birth to his daughter. For now, he was also busy creating and composing music. 

When I got back home, I found Tsubaki worried for me. 

"How are you? How did Kousei react?" she asked me.

I laughed. "I was scared at first but everything's fine."

"You don't look fine," she told me. 

I faced her and I was about to cry. I can really understand now how Kousei made his secretaries cry. "He's really different from us, now, Tsubaki. I couldn't believe that I would feel the aura he manifests when he's serious. He's really able to make someone lower than him feel that he's not someone whom others should mess with. That's one of the big changes he does have now."

She hugged me that appeased my sadness.

A/n: I know! A bit short!

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