The Return of Takahiko

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A/n: Hope you like this chapter!

Arima Kousei POV

When we already arrived back at school, I took a little time to examine the school I'm attending right now. It really is enormous with two to three musical halls and two, five-story buildings for the faculty and classrooms. 

The car parked in the largest musical hall and it's actually at the very back with an Angel Fountain. Most students of Okutsu call it 'The Hall Where Angels Reside'.

It's because most of the students who come here does have angelic voices. When I decided to study here, our teachers always told us that we also needed to examine and get ourselves mostly in different musical genres. We mustn't just trap ourselves in the genre we used to play that is why even though we are separated into the genres we decided to master in different classes, we get to mix up with genres that we actually aren't comfortable with.

My first year here isn't easy.

I lost my train of thought when I suddenly heard someone calling me when we entered the hall. 

"Please play River Flows in You!"

I don't know who it is until I looked up. He looks like dad. He ruffled my hair and told me, "We all missed you." 

This is strange. He's my senior, right?

"I know you don't know me but we're family," he told me. 

"Family?" I asked.

I looked at Akihito-san and told me, "He's Arima Kazuhiko. My son and of course, he's your cousin."

I felt surprised. Actually, I have felt mixed feelings suddenly. 

My world is getting bigger all of a sudden but, I'm happy about that. 

He asked me again, "Would you play River Flows in You?"

"I have played it once but I know I have a lot to practice it. Could I play Heart of Courage? The one that Akihito-san gave me as an assignment" I asked.

"You could do that later. Play what I want," he told me. 

Suddenly, a blonde-haired girl told him, "If he doesn't want to play it, why don't you be the one to play it?" 

"Ahhh... Ritsuko-chan! You do know that I'm already bored playing the same piece over and over. I want others to play it," she told him. 

Then, she faced us and whispered in my ear, "I know you're nervous to see him but the truth is, he's more nervous to see you. After all, you're Takahiko-san's son."

I was astounded to hear that. 

"Is he that important?" When I said that, she looked at me with shocked eyes. 

Did I say anything wrong? 

Without me knowing, she stared at my godfather and shouted to Akihito-san, "How cruel could your brother be? He left his son in a province and never told him anything???"

Akihito-san just laughed, then, he suddenly told me, "Excuse us for a bit, Kousei-kun." 

That's where I saw his serious, angry face while he dragged her at the backstage of the musical hall. I also heard a loud bang of a door. 

I wondered, what was wrong? 


Third POV:

Akihito closed the door angrily and took her hand out fiercely. 

"Tell me, did you not understand what my brother told you about him?"

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