Lost Life, New Life

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A/n: Hey! It's been a while! Thanks for reading my fanfiction! 


Arima Kousei POV:

"He wants me to see me? Why would he want to see me if it's urgent? Isn't it faster if he just call me?" I asked Watari. I felt frightened when I saw him look at me strangely while we are organizing our bags as we leave my office. 

"Your father wants to see you himself. He said that the information he would tell you can't be said in a phone call but he would want to see you personally," he replied to me.

"Where would he want to see me?" I asked him. 

Watari pitifully looked at me as he reply to me, "President William, I hope you don't get depressed. Your father would want to personally tell you himself but he also gave me authority to tell you already if you do act skeptically like what your father told me. Your grandfather, Arima Ling Yuen..."

I stared at him surprisingly when he spoke my grandfather's name.

"What's wrong with my grandpa?" he asked me.

"He's gone. Your grandfather wasn't able to wait for you until the day you become the chairman of the board," he told me. 

When he said that, I grasped his coat as I began to weep. "Tell me that is wrong! My grandpa promised me that he would fight his cancer! He... He can't die!"

I fall on my knees before I even open the pair of doors of my office as I still kept on crying. My grandpa had just left me. He officially made me a member of the Arima Family after I surpassed all of the challenges that was given to me. I was able to end the feud between my two families. For him to leave me before his dream comes true hurts me. 

I felt Watari's hand on my shoulders and I could feel that he is trying to comfort me. 

I looked back at him as I dry my tears. 

I took my bag and thanked him. "I really should see him. Is he still in the Arima Hospital?"

Watari sympathetically replied to me, "Yes."

I stood up and before I go outside, I told him, "Thank you for telling me."

"Kousei, I think I should come with you. You look pale right now, " he said to me. I could see through him that he's worried for me. 

I shook my head and assured him, "Don't worry. I can carry myself. I'm not the same as before."

He understood and so, he just followed me out of my office. When we were already at the basement, we separated as we take and drive our own cars. 

I drove my black car and went quickly at the Arima Hospital. When I parked at the open parking lot of Arima Hospital, I called Kaori. I also noticed that it had begun raining. Luckily, I wasn't using my Porsche. 

She quickly took it up and of course, like what I expected, she had also heard about the sudden death of my grandfather. Her voice truly seemed worried for me, as it seemed, Watari called her first to inform her that I already know about my grandfather's death.

"Kousei! Are you alright? Where are you?" she asked me. "Don't do anything rash, okay? Where are you?"

I smiled.

My wife is truly worried for me. "I'm fine, Kaori. I just arrived outside Arima Hospital. My father would want to see me. I just want to tell you that I might be going home late today. I'm completely fine."

I could hear her voice over the phone sounding relieved. "Good. Go home safe and sound, Kousei. I know that knowing that your grandfather died hurts you right now."

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