A Victorious Success

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A/n: Sorry about the last chapter. I had it for a bit long. Seems like my story got extended. Well, I think it's all because of the strong support you are giving my story!


Miyazono Kaori POV:

I can't believe Kousei.

I already told him not to keep drinking wine but he didn't even listen to me. His parents were so frantic that they both looked after him first when he got home feeling so unwell. When they knew he's just drunk, they just took a deep breath like me.

Kazuhiko and Watari carried him up to our room. He tried walking by himself but since he's obviously dizzy and confused, he swayed again. They dragged him up in our room and laid him there. I went outside of his room for a while when his cousin and best friend told me that they would help him change his clothes. 

"When would you learn to listen to your wife about your wine obsession, Kousei? You even hired a private sommelier," Kazuhiko told him.

After a few minutes, he told them, "Just let me sleep, guys. I'm tired."

They both sighed and left his room after they watched him collapse on his bed. Kazuhiko gently closed the door. "Kao-chan, he smells bad for now. It's better to sleep at the guest room."

"Can I see him?" I asked them. "How is he?"

Watari opened the door for me. I saw Kousei lying down his bed and he's fast asleep. He's already wearing pajamas and his glasses were on the table next to our lamp. I also noticed that the blankets were a bit off. I took it up more to cover him. I guess, they're right. I really should stay at the guest room for a while until Kousei takes a bath tomorrow since he smells bad. I won't be able to sleep with him for now. I went outside slowly and closed the door carefully.

Tsubaki ran after me. She and Watari are going to be sleeping at the guest rooms. Since Kousei's like that, I'm sure that we will be divided. 

"I'll be sleeping with you for a while. Kousei's too drunk," I told her.

"Ohh. So. That's what it is. Now I understand why he told me he would be sleeping with Kazuhiko. He didn't even let me remember what he is to Kousei. I know that I've seen him before here when we visited for the first time. He looks like Kousei, too. It's just that he doesn't have glasses on and he's taller than him," she told me. 

I giggled. Kazuhiko actually looks just as handsome as my husband. He's a player, though and he doesn't have any serious relationship yet.

"He's Kousei's only first cousin, you know? He's planning not to associate himself with the business group," I told her as we go down the East Wing where our bedroom is located. "I'm sure that will change when Kousei gets to handle the whole business group. He'd have to understand that he's an Arima no matter what."

We walked at the main floor of the mansion until we reached the South Wing where the two guest rooms are located. We entered the guest room after we reached it. I have noticed that it's smaller than our room. Tsubaki let me use the bed while she was contented with sleeping at the couch even if there's a smaller bed next to me. We let ourselves drift and fall asleep.


Arima Kousei POV: 

I woke up with aches and pains on my muscles. I felt nausea, too. I drank too much alcohol at the party. I can't believe I didn't notice how many glasses of wine I drank already. I'm sure Kaori's going to be so angry with me. I stared at my left side and noticed that Kaori didn't sleep beside me. I smelled myself and I finally understood the reason. I smell funny. 

I waited for my dizziness to pass away for a while and when I know I can already stand up, I took my towel and went straight at the bathroom to clean myself. I quickly went back to our room and changed into usual clothes. I have no work today, anyway. I looked at the clock and I was really surprised. It's still six in the morning. I guess, it's really my body clock already. I went at the dining room to find water to drink until I heard some footsteps. I quickly took a cold bottle of water and closed the door of the fridge. When I looked up who could be the one awake early in the morning like me, I was happy to know that it's just Watari. He looked at me with a shocked expression that I am already awake and clean.

"Why are you awake already? Usually people who drink wine heavily like you wake up the next day late," Watari Ryota told me. 

"Six in the morning is my body clock and I felt thirsty. Also, my body's pretty much accustomed to alcohol ingestion now. It's also good that I smelled myself when I woke up. Taking a bath refreshed me," I replied back to him. "I'm very much awake now."

I realized that he's wearing business coat and tie. His brown hair is also waxed. It's good that I woke up before he left the mansion so he could hear my order, "There'll be some interns coming today. I've already talked to them over the phone and they agreed at my offer."

"What is it?" he asked me. 

"Assign them to the three secretaries I have outside my room. Stay there for a while and wait for them. I should be the one doing this work but I actually still feel unwell today, so, can you do it for me?" I asked him. 

"It's not a suggestion, right?" he asked me. 

I smiled at him, "It's an order."

He smiled back and told me before he left, "Good luck to you, today!"

It was seven in the morning when I felt sleepy all over again and so, after some of our servants changed my bed sheets and blanket, I went back to sleep. It was eleven in the morning when I opened my eyes again and found Kaori staring at me with her hands on her waists. I knew she's going to act like a mother to me and so, I hid behind the white blanket I have on me quickly. "Don't you dare hide on me, Kousei!" she shouted at me. 

"Kaori! Can you not get angry with me? You might affect our daughter's health," I told her but she didn't stop scolding me a lot by what I did at the party until I'm out of the bed.

"Alright! I'm sorry!" I told her.

"Wait. It looks like you don't smell funny anymore," she told me.

"I woke up at six a.m and took a bath.It's also good that I woke up before Watari left as I relied an order to him. I hope the interns would follow him," I told her.

Kaori's fiery eyes slowly vanished until her sweet side returned that made me relieved. I hugged her tightly. "I love you."

"I love you, too, Kousei."


A/n: Hope you like it!

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