Beyond Me

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Arima Kousei POV:

As I look around the place as the car moves around the streets, I noticed that there were other cars following us. I'm in a convoy and that's what I realized. I sighed deeply.

"Where are we going?" I asked Prime Minister Akio. 

"I'm taking you to meet your father's secretary," he told me.

I sat straight on my seat as the car move quickly and when we were on a small but wide white house, the chauffeur opened the door for me and bowed.

Prime Minister Arima Akio went beside me with a huge smile on his lips. I breathed in and out. 

After a few seconds, an average male went to meet us and finally, he introduced himself.

"I'm Lee Daichi. I'm one of your father's cousins in your grandmother's side. Most of all, I am your father's secretary," he told me. 

After that, he bowed at Prime Minister Akio.

"Thank you for escorting him," he told him.

He nodded and left us after a while. When he had already left, I was alone with my father's secretary.

He looked at me and giggled a bit. "If your father didn't show me your picture, I could have mistaken you as him. Both of you look so much alike!" he told me. "Your eyes are different though. Yours is sweeter."

I scratched my back and finally, I decided to ask him things seriously. "So, where are we going next?"

He looked back at me and told me, "So, you reverted back in talking business. Before I tell you where we're going next, join me in my house for a while."

He welcomed me in and there, I found myself welcomed by several servants. "This is my house and this is my home. You read the documents we gave your Chief of Staff, right?" he asked me.

I nodded.

Of course I have read it. Sixty companies... I wonder if I can even handle all of those companies in which my father's holding now.

Most of all, my uncle, Nakiri Ryuu wants to give his business group to me, too.

One hundred ten companies...

How will I even handle all of them?

When I finally got in his house, I suddenly felt a bit shocked to find myself in a normal home with only a few things inside.

A wide-screen television, a couch and a small chandelier at the living room with two bedrooms side by side. The kitchen's a bit small, too. 

It had been years that I haven't stepped in a normal house.

He quickly gave me a cup of coffee after he let me sit on his couch.

"You feel a bit uncomfortable? I know my home's smaller than yours," he told me.

I quickly grinned and replied to him, "No. That's not it. Actually, I just feel a bit nostalgic. I just remembered my old home when I was still a kid. That's almost a decade ago when I was still fourteen years old."

He smiled back and I quickly drank the coffee he gave me.

He went inside his room for a while and after a few minutes, he gave me a brown envelope.

"What is this?" I asked. 

"Those are the documents I compiled for you to read. It does have information about the five large companies your father do manage for now until we deem you ready to take their places. We have also noticed that you're growing as a good CEO of Arima Music Company. Your associates do approve of you and most of all, your teachers on Business Administration like the results of your tests," he told me.

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