Blood Inheritance

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A/n: Again, a bit of lemons again. If you're aged fifteen and below, read at your own risk. They're a married couple and even if I really don't want to write one, I feel obligated to make one! **)) ^^) hehehehehe


Kousei POV:

Night quickly came. Kaori and I had just gone back home from the concert. Of course, when we reached the mansion already, I felt really tired and my hands kept shaking that I tried to stop it inside the car but with no avail. Kaori just held my hands tight to help me which made me happy.

Of course, Watari Ryota just looked away. I do think he's hiding his own blush when Kaori held my hands tight but that action made me laugh at him. At that time, I felt like we returned to the days I was an innocent boy who do not know the harsh world that awaits him in the future. All three of us are sitting at the back passenger seat.

Watari looked and laughed at me, too until all three of us were laughing together until we felt that we were already annoying the driver. I'm only twenty-three. Of course, I'm still young. It's only natural that I act my age, right?

Even so, I still remind myself that I'm already a CEO and I have an important job for my family.

When the car finally parked in front of the mansion, our driver went outside the car and opened the door for me while Watari opened the door for Kaori.

Watari quickly went beside me and asked me, "How's your hands?"

I stared at him and replied, "It stopped shaking."

He stared at me. "You're red," he told me.

"What?" I asked.

"I said... Your face is red," he repeated what he first told me and due to that, I really felt my cheeks burning. He began smirking and told me, "It's so easy to make you smile!"

After a while, Kaori went beside me, joined her hands on mine and told him, "You're practically engaged but not married yet." It's now time for Watari to blush. The last time I heard, Emi Igawa and Aiza Takeshi were married already. "From the six of us, you two are the last ones unmarried."

His blush went through his head, "Alright! When we get home, I'll arrange our marriage."

I just kept smiling until I dragged Kaori upstairs. I may be tired but I'm a man, of course. There's still something I want to do before our honeymoon ends. Watari followed us and so, when we reached our room already, I quickly told him, "If there are people who would want to see me in this hour, tell them I'm busy."

Watari sighed as if he already knew what I wanted to do right now. He quickly closed our room's door and when I turned to Kaori, she's blushing. I stared at her grey eyes seriously until she felt nervous. "K-Kousei....???" she quickly asked me. I held her shoulders and when I saw her tongue wet her lips, I felt my hormones grow more until I pushed her in the bed.

She screamed at first until I finally asked her, "Can we...??? Please?"

She gulped and replied to me, "We just got back home, Kousei."

"This might be the last time we could make a child. When we return to Japan, you know that my father would bother me with endless jobs. I also would have to keep up with my studies," I told her.

She just looked at my eyes and when she kissed me, I knew that she's saying yes already. I took her clothes off while she does the same to me. When we're both naked already. I asked her, "How many children do you want to have?"

She looked at me, "Your decision."

"Then, can we have ten?" I asked her.

She smacked my head and laughed, "Don't joke around Kousei! Our children will be your heirs!"

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