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Yui's POV:

I really feel nervous right now. I looked at Arima Kousei and knew that, maybe he feels the same as I. Nervous. We'll be seeing our senpais back at school today but before we even enter father's black Toyota Vios, Kousei-kun sighed to himself and asked father, "Can they not come with us and see our rehearsals?"

Father opened the car while his left arm is holding the door. "Kousei, as a pianist, you mustn't just consider yourself as just a pianist who would reveal everything he'd play and perform on stage. You're also a performer! Some musicians may be at the back of a singer or even a band but still, if you are on stage, you aren't alone. There are many people waiting for you to hear your music and those whom you want to surprise should learn to wait and as they wait for that, practice your skills and increase your knowledge!"

He also looked at me and like Kousei, he gave an advice to me, "To you, Yui, both of you may have the same problem as musicians. Both of you are forgetting the audience. What's wrong with you? You are still too full of yourself. Remember to accept what your mentor's telling you. It may hurt you but it's for your growth."

I always hate him telling that to me. The advice never changed!

Arima Kousei opened the door and he did let me in first.

After that, he entered the same time as my foster father. Both closed the door.

Father started the engine and started driving.

While I'm inside, I realized, I am with two Arimas. They're closer in blood anyway.

I noticed that Kousei's staring outside, watching wherever the car goes, then, he began asking him, "Does dad really know you're here?"

"Asking about your dad again?" he asked him. He's happy while talking to him. Father never became like that to me. Father acts too serious but why to him, he seems like a different person? Yeah, he's different from me. Is it because he is his nephew and godson? Maybe I'm just jealous. He really wants to be here for him and for me.

Seto-san would be very disappointed if he didn't help me cure my sickness. Yes, the truth is, up until now I am still taking tests since I had child leukemia and luckily, I'm already in remission. It was all because of him. I grew my hair back.

When father told me about Arima Kousei, I was really excited.

I know his father, too. I met his father when Arima Akihito picked me up from my biological parents.

He is a kind, business man and as I know, he is rich and powerful like my foster father but why does it seem, Kousei doesn't know it? 

He doesn't even know that his godfather had his own son, my adopted brother, studying in Okutsu? 

His name is Arima Kazuhiko. He does look more alike Takahiko-san, though, only that he doesn't have any glasses. 

I really believe that he'll be one of the seniors we'll meet today.

Why is he clueless on everything about his father's family?

"He knows, Kousei. Our family is also very happy that even after your mother's death, you continued playing the piano. After you meet your seniors who will join you in my return concert here in Japan, I would want you to know more about your father and about us, your family in your father's side. We can't let you stay in the dark anymore," he told him.

I slouched in my seat, I already expected this!

He was actually invited to return and be a mentor and a teacher because he wanted him to know more about the larger world.

I'm sure he'll be surprised. I pity him.
I don't even know if its right, though.

He'll learn that his father only came home to him every month because his grandfather kept pestering him to be a good businessman since he had no ability to play.

Also, would it also hurt him if he learns that his grandpa hated his heir since his father is more of a tone deaf than him but his father's love for him clouded it. His grandpa chose his mother for his son and they had Arima Kousei.

They both had a good, and happy life but his mother's sickness came in. I have always seen uncle sad in his office and tears were always flowing down his eyes, so worried for his sick wife but since she had been sick, she had changed. She wasn't the kind woman I know already. I also don't know how to come closer to him when I knew that he was always left alone in his house with his mother and trained him so harshly that he seemed brainwashed.

I joined him with father once inside his wife's hospital room.

I was still very healthy at the time and I haven't yet been adopted but my foster father was my mentor already and it is all because of my pianist aunt, Seto, why I began playing violin. Aunt Saki always told her husband, "Take care of him, always, okay?"

Just like Kousei, I love Aunt Saki. When she died when I was eleven, my whole world turned over and that's when everyone was surprised that I also got cancer.

I was hospitalized and Aunt Hiroko begged my foster father to adopt me to help my biological parents to pay for the hospital bills. My biological parents were businessmen too but they are not as rich as the Arima Family. I still visit them in holiday seasons. They're still more important anyway!

I'm pretty sure that everyone were hurt when she disappeared. 

Why did they leave Arima Kousei in the dark for too long?

Did his family panicked to help me and they all forgot him? 

Have they forgotten him at that point? 

I wish there is a better explanation for that.

Father just told me that he decided to accept it now since Kousei returned as a better musician after three years. His music isn't sad anymore even though the melody should have been depressed. He's back on top when he joined the school's freshman piano competition. 

Aiza Takeshi was a bit pissed off that time when he knew they're back in the old days. 

Yes, I know that, too since he always invited my family to watch him.

He was a phenomenal boy in the past.

Now, it seemed, he will be because of father. He might not just become famous here in Japan but all over the world, too. Yes, you may call me redundant but I can already see him getting famous internationally.

His talent is so exceptional.


A/n: Hope I you vote and comment! Thank you!

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