Something To Live For

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Arima Kousei POV:

As I have expected, George would come to me but, what I didn't expect was that her foster father never really wanted him to become a part of her life anymore since all he gave her were doubts and suffering.

I was surprised that George would gossip to me a rumor about Enrique Yule and Yui. "When Enrique Yule knew about you, he instructed her to come to you and make you fall in love with her! Don't let her provoke you or even fool you! They're musicians who are known to destroy the future of young prodigies like you! Get away from her as soon as you can!"

He suddenly stopped in the middle of his sentence telling everyone whom they destroyed. My fists clenched too much when he even mentioned Miyazono Kaori.

He told me that Yui was too envious with her that she forced her to teach her the violin until she can't hold it anymore but then, a familiar, sad voice echoed and shouted at us, "THOSE ARE LIES!!!! BAD RUMORS SPREAD OUT FROM FATHER'S ENEMIES TO DESTROY FATHER'S REPUTATION!!!"

It's Yui.

When I stared at her beautiful face, her tears were streaming down bitterly. "Kousei... He's just angry at me. We broke up after our performance yesterday. Please don't believe those lies."

"She's treacherous. Both of them! Can't you hear me? She destroyed Kaori's future! They even destroyed your mother's future, too!" George told me.

I'm not a violent person but when he told me about my mother, he made me remember my past. I never wanted to remember the shadow I don't want to return to anymore. It was at the time when my mother's shadow still lurks inside me like a ghost. I lost control with my right hand and punched the wall, creating a bit of a crack and having my hand bleed, too.

Yui quickly slapped George and told me, "Come with me."

I don't want to listen to mere rumors. If what they were all saying was the truth, then I have to unravel it myself. I have to learn the truth myself and so, I went beside her willingly.

(Third POV)

Without Kousei's knowledge, Aiza Takeshi and Igawa Emi saw everything that happened and so, both of them ran quick and followed them.

"We already warned him, right? Why isn't he even listening to us?" Aiza told Emi.

"You heard him. He wants to investigate the rumors himself," Emi told him. Suddenly, before they even learn where Kousei and Yui will go inside their luxurious school, Seto Hiroko saw the two of them walking in the hallway. He had just come out of the faculty room with a smiling face.

"Ah! Emi! Aiza!" 

Both stopped in their tracks and exclaimed, "Arima's in danger!"

"In danger?" she laughed. "What are you talking about?"

"He's... Being too close to Yui..." Emi told her with pouted lips.

Seto stared at them and examined their faces. Both are worried. "He's become an important friend. Emi, Aiza, there's nothing to worry about."

"But the rumors about Yui and Enrique Yule! We just don't want him to go back to his old self anymore," Aiza replied.

She suddenly faced them with a scary face, "THOSE ARE MERE RUMORS!!!"

"Just mere rumors? They're not real?" both looked at each other and sighed in relief.

"I'd explain why those rumors came out but we've got to change locations," she smiled at them again.

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