What I've Become

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A/N: I really am happy that I can totally see that my story is loved by those who have read it!


Third POV:

Arima Takahiko...

The father who have married Arima Kousei's mother...

His face was all but in tears while he is inside the condominium where he did let his son live so that Kousei will be able to study in Okutsu. As he was in tears, he remembered what his younger brother have told him, "I invited you not to mess up with your son's life, understood?"

He only laughed a bit.

"Me? Mess up with my son's life? It can be you who might mess up my son's private life. He's a great pianist, Akihito. When he does appear in your concert, everyone would soon know him and more people would begin to adore him. I know that you've figured it out that my son will live up Saki's dream."

"I want everyone to know him as I have loved Saki more than you and I will take care of your son more than you. My plan is not to break him. My plan is to steal him away from you and I'll show you how!"

"I won't let that happen! I swear in my life!"

Suddenly, he laughed. 

"Do you really think I'd steal him from you? You're my older brother! Your son is your son but I do think you already get what I want to say, nii-sama. In my concert, he will become immensely popular. His story and his past will be known. His talents would be introduced to the general public soon enough. I am risking your son in a very risky situation. I also learned about the reason why you've become tone deaf. Father forced your talents into the limits. You were a great pianist just like your son is now but, you stopped playing all of a sudden one summer when I was fifteen and you were eighteen. You were my hero. For your son to keep playing beautiful sounds, help me show him the world where he can interact with more people and inspire them. Lastly, we must help each other to not let father use him."

Akihito looked at him and he replied,"I will help you. Its about my son, anyway. Father might learn about my son but I won't let him become like me. I promise. For Saki.... for my wife... whose only treasure was her son. I won't let him be tainted with abuse in any way ever again!"

He did say that but when Akihito have already left, an old, silver-haired man grinned evilly. "Trying to disobey me, are you, Akihito? Do you honestly think and believe that you could always hide my heir's son from me? He will know me!"

Without the old man knowing, Takahiko have seen him and heard his voice.

Now that he's inside the parking lot, he knew that he has to save his son from the hands of his father before he is over handled for his talents. When he finally got inside his son's room, he had seen his son, lying on a sofa.

Since he did overheard his father who planned to use him, he tried to wake his son but, he was in a very deep sleep. He did let him sleep on his bed and locked the door. He knows that his father might probably have investigated where his son could be living already and he was right.


Arima Kousei POV:

When I woke up, I was surprised that I was inside my room.

It was dark and dreary so I did open the lights. I also scratched my eyes a bit but when I tried to get out to learn who carried me back on my bed. I was shocked when I heard two adult males shouting at each other.

I tried opening but it was locked. When I tried to listen closer, I knew that the other male was my father but, who was he arguing with?

Why do they even need to argue inside this condominium?

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