Friend A

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A/N: Thank you for everyone who are still reading! 

Third POV:

A week have already passed after Thomas told him that Kousei acquired a selective amnesia and how he could become who he is once again before he was in coma.

 Of course, everyone are still very much surprised by the news that Kousei is also still unable to play piano.

His inability to use his instrument turned him depressed and sad.

He was also seen trying to face his piano and touch the keys but all he could make were senseless noises while trying to calm himself down but he would end up screaming.

Kousei cried bitterly once again and screamed at the top of his lungs, "I want to remember! Please, if there's anyone who could help me remember, RESCUE MY EMPTY SOUL! God, I'm begging you, make me remember!"

The servants working in the mansion were the only ones who heard him. His tears were flowing down his eyes painfully and when he stared back at his piano, he was surprised to see blood splatters on its keys that made him scream and back away from it. He dried his tears and stared at his piano again. There were no blood splatters anywhere. 

"What...what was that?" he asked.

He stood up but, he suddenly fainted after that action.

It alerted a few servants who heard it and found their young master unconscious. They all quickly lay him back on his bed and informed Thomas about it that made him rush back and check his condition. 

He sighed after checking his pulse and temperature. "He's fine. His fever didn't return, too."

Kousei woke up after a few seconds and found him staring at him, "Thomas-san..."

"How are you? Your girlfriend will visit you, today," Thomas smiled back at him.

Kousei sat up and stared at the night sky, "Thomas-san... gomen... I've been a big trouble for you since I woke up from my coma and I couldn't even remember the day that I lost and erased from my memories. I'm still surprised up until today how my parents met and fell back in-love again. Both of them are supporting a sick child who's afraid to get out of his comfort box due to fear that the public might know something private. I've been making my best friend and Kaori work for me while I just sit and lounge here," Kousei told him.

Thomas sighed bigger and gave him tea. "Drink up, it'll comfort you more. I believe you were stressing yourself to remember that lost day of yours."

He took the cup filled with green tea and drank it. He placed it on his table after he emptied it and lay back down on his bed.

"No one is trying to help me remember! I may be even hallucinating or imagining things I shouldn't see!" he screamed.

He covered himself with his black blanket and cried under it.

Thomas tried to comfort him but he couldn't when Kousei just kept crying.

Outside his room, Kaori was there, overhearing everything he said.

She opened it slightly and called Thomas to get out quietly without Kousei noticing.

Thomas went outside and before he blurts out something, Kaori quickly shuts him up with her right hand and said to him, "No one is still telling him that he was shot? How cruel could this family be? Thomas-san, Kousei will keep breaking down if no one reveals to him what had happened to him. Aren't you his guardian? Please, tell him!"

Arima Saki appeared without them noticing. "What's wrong with my son?"

"Kousei has been stressing himself lately to remember the memory he had lost," Thomas honestly replied.

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