Business Struggle

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A/N: For this chapter, to separate the language, I'd write real Japanese Language. If it's English, they are talking in English.


Kousei POV:

I woke up happily inside our bedroom inside the old mansion where my life changed. Beside me is my wife, Miyazono Kaori. Now, she's mine and we're a married couple. I sat on our king-sized bed and touched her hair. The cold air seeped through the open windows and I shivered a bit. I smiled a little. We've been doing 'mature' things for hours after we arrived here and we didn't even care about the time. I want to have a child already and I'm sure she understands that. Kaori woke up, too after I had already cleaned myself and wore a black coat and tie. I didn't just go in England to have our honeymoon after all. My father needed me to be here for an important job that he can't just rely on anyone. I have to be his representative for one of our V.I.P Business Partners whom I will be meeting here. Since he is a very important man, he decided to choose me since I will also be playing in an Orchestra here in Europe.

Kaori stared at me surprisingly. She sat up and covered herself in a white blanket. "Wait... why are you wearing so formally today?"

I sighed. Should I tell her the truth? I should tell her right?

"Tell me... Where are you going?" she asked again. I can see through her eyes that she's really confused. I hadn't told her that I had other things to do when we reach Europe.

"I'm sorry if I haven't told you anything. I have to go in a business meeting," I answered her. She seemed dissatisfied by my answer.

"Whom will you be meeting with? Is it so important that you have to do it at the same time of your honeymoon?" I can hear that she's a bit irritated. Her voice and her eyes are both looking at me, strikingly.

I put on my right hand over my blue-striped necktie to organize it and replied to her, "I have to go to a meeting with the producer of England International Orchestra, Mr. Ham Yates. He wants to meet my father and since he can't go since he had a full schedule to do in Asia, he decided to send me here. He knew that I was planning to have our honeymoon here. Also, I'll be performing with them, too, so, he sent me as his representative. This is an important business meeting, Kaori. They're one of the Orchestras who are buying instruments in the company which dad entrusted me to handle. You know that I'm still the President of Arima Music Company, right?"

Kaori looked sad at me. "You quickly found out my feelings. I'm sorry if I sound irritated. I just can't believe you did not even tell me you have other things to do other than our honeymoon."

I went beside her on the bed and kissed her forehead. "Kao-chan, I'll be back. I'll make the meeting quick. You're my wife and you're more important than anyone. Wait for me here. You can go shopping with a bodyguard, understood?"

Kaori looked at me, shocked. Her eyes really makes my heart melt.

"Aishiteru... Kousei-kun." After that, she held my right hand gesturing me to go already. Suddenly, she spoke up making me stop on my tracks. "Why do I need a bodyguard? I can go myself."

I looked at her straight and laughed a bit. "Tell me, do you still feel new to this world? As I remember, you're in this world first before me."

"Wakatteru! Demo ne... doiou iminano? You're not in danger anymore, right?" she asked me.

"I don't know. My father told me that I don't need to know the real reason why we need a bodyguard," I told him and kissed her forehead again. "I need to leave now. The meeting is important."

"Be careful, okay?"

I smiled. "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. Bye for a while."


I quickly went down the second floor where our room is and met with Watari Ryota. Yes, I told him to come in England. He's my Chief of Staff after all and of course, I need him to be beside me since he does have the information about the man I'll be meeting today. He quickly gave me an eleven-inch tablet and showed me the document about the man I will be meeting after we got inside a black car.

"England Garden Hotel," Watari spoke to our chauffeur. "You'll be meeting with Mr. Ham Yates in England Garden Hotel."

I sighed after reading the document and after I heard that I have other appointments today. After a few minutes, we finally arrived in England Garden Hotel where I was quickly met by Mr. Ham Yates's secretary. I can see that she's a secretary since she's holding a tablet and an office uniform.

Well, she moved formally but of course, her female features is very much still present in her. She's blond, has blue eyes and does have a fair complexion. She's also just 177 cm in height. She's as tall me, then. "Ohayo Gozaimasu... umm... eigo o hanasemasuka?" she asked me.

She could speak Japanese a bit but it really is obvious that she doesn't know that I've lived here in England for five years. I was able to perfect my English skills when I lived here to be trained in the life that is waiting for me. I have to become a good son since my father's a rich man. It was in my second year in England when everything finally settled inside me that my life is truly changing. I smiled at the secretary and chuckled. "No need to speak to me in Nihonggo. I know how to speak in English," I told her.

I saw her sighing in relief after I replied to her in English. "I thought I'll be wracking my brain to speak in Japanese. Well then, Welcome to England Garden Hotel. Mr. Ham Yates also owns this hotel and he told me to take you in his office quick."

After a few minutes, she finally introduced herself to us as we get in the large, modern hotel filled with glass, paintings and modern electronics. "I'm Anna Sharmaine Kathleen Lopez and I'm Mr. Ham Yates's secretary. You're President William 'Kousei' Arima, am I right? Chairman Takahiko Arima's son?"

"Yes, I am William Arima," I told her.

She smiled and looked at me, "Follow me, then. He's really happy to meet someone like you. We saw a lot of information about your past and heard a lot of your achievements."

"That's good to hear," I told her.


A/n: Hoped you like it!!!

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