My First Child

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Arima Kousei POV:

Days passed and I have been so busy with so many meetings, practice and preparations for my birthday.

Dad even told me to create a speech for my upcoming twenty-fourth birthday.

Currently, I'm inside my office staring at the blank paper.

What should I write, anyway?

A few minutes later, I began to write whatever is going on my mind and so, I just wrote a short Thank You speech until Watari Ryota came in.

He quickly went beside me and snatched the paper to me with my thank you speech draft. He laughed that made me blush.

"You're not good with speeches, aren't you?" he asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I'm sure that your father would be very disappointed if he sees this speech of yours," he told me.

Kaori came in and even if she's four months pregnant already, she still has her violent strength.

She grabbed my red tie that made me blush at her.


She laughed at me hysterically and let me go.

She quickly went beside Watari and she also looked at the speech I made.

I quickly took it from her and told them, "It's still a draft, okay?"

"It doesn't seem like a draft to me," Kaori told me. "You know that your birthday's coming fast. You have two days left to make one."

I sat on my seat and stared at her blue eyes. She is really beautiful.

Her lips curved in a smile and her blonde hair shines through the sunlight.

"Kaori," I stood up and went closer to her.

I quickly asked Watari to leave us for a while and give us privacy.

He quickly went outside after I went closer to her and I put my hands over her arms.

She began to blush and told me, "What are you planning?"

I hugged her tightly and I smiled. Nine months is too long. At first I am so afraid to become a father but now that her womb is getting bigger, I am slowly getting more excited to actually meet my first born. It really is a big disappointment to me too that I wasn't always with her when she goes to her gynecologist because I am so absorbed with work.

"Do you have scheduled meetings with doctors today?" I asked her while she's in my embrace.

Kaori buried her head over my arms and told me, "Are you worried that you haven't been coming with me when I go for a check up?"

I really feel guilty. I should be the one coming with her and not my mom or her mom when she needed to know if she and our baby are okay.

"I guess so," I told her.

"If you want, you can go to me tomorrow," she told me. "My doctor told me that I'll be able to know the gender of our child this month."

I smiled. I'm excited.


I woke up with a jolt after I had a talk with Kaori the next day.

Today will be the day I learn the gender of our child. When I looked up, I noticed that Kaori's not on our bed already. I sat up and looked for her. I went downstairs and that's when I found out that Kaori's already preparing herself to go to her doctor.

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