Beautiful in White

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A/N: Kaori's and Kousei's marriage! Are you all excited? First of, here's a picture for the two of them! At the top is St. Mary's Cathedral's interior located in Tokyo Japan.


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Kousei POV: 

I was at work when my father approached me inside my office in Arima Music Company. I sighed in front of him after I realized that I quickly became so busy after I returned to work and study. I was kept busy by inspecting and playing most of the completed instruments back at the factory to check the quality, most of all, I still remember the time when it was my first time to actually get angry when I found out that some pianos that I rejected to be sold in our company store are still being sold due to it that the wood used aren't sturdy enough and the paints used have too much lead. 

Watari was the one that informed me that news and so, I quickly told him to arrange a meeting quickly for me to remind the officers lower than me that even I am very much young and inexperienced, I am still their CEO, president and son of the chairman and owner of the Arima Group. After a long talk to them, luckily, they were very much sorry for disobeying me.

When I returned to my office, I rested on my couch. Dad gave me some cold tea and I accepted it. "You alright, son? I heard you got angry to some of your officers. Are you really fine, son?" he asked me. I just realized when father visited me, it had been ten days already after I returned to be the CEO of the company once again. 

I have also seen how happy Thomas is when I came back as the CEO in the meeting we held. It was just at that time that I learned that Thomas is the current director of Arima Music Company.

"Don't worry about me, dad. I'm perfectly fine," I assured him.

He sighed in relief. "You've got responsibility to meet Kaori's parents today in Tokyo Mall. Let Watari work for you for the other work you left out, understood?"

I breathed in deeply, "I understand, father. I may be busy at work but we're actually organizing the wedding already. We both decided that we wanted to get married in St. Mary's Cathedral."

"That's good. That means a lot," he told me. "Who's going to be your best man?"

I actually still don't know who, exactly. "Definitely, it could be my best friend, Watari or my bodyguard, Thomas."

"You still have a lot of time, don't rush, understood?" he told me. After that, he left me alone in my room. 


In that certain point of time, I obeyed my father and called on Watari using my android phone. Luckily, he answered me quick. "Moshi moshi?"

"This is me, William Kousei. I have a favor to ask."

He replied to me, "Sure. What is it? Was it about work again?"

I sighed, "Yes. Unfortunately. My dad came around and my schedules are conflicting each other. My dad visited me and told me that I have to meet Kaori's parents today in Tokyo Mall. I have a meeting with a famous composer today at our main store at exactly seven in the evening today. Can you be my representative for her?"

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