Chapter 7:3: Horrifying Halfway To The End - Hope Waits

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We’d just passed by a first station so far. Unfortunately, it was already housing a mob of infected, mainly the passengers.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang . . . !"

"Don't waste ammo!" Chief shouted.

With just a blink of an eye, the infected began crawling up on the roof, and then, they began to make knocking sounds, apparently bashing their fists to break it open.

"Damn! We must go on!" Brock yelled.

Suddenly, we heard a loud voice over, coming from a radio somewhere in the station.

"Wait. I hear something. We must get that", I said.

"Not again Jacob. We’ve just busted our way through that creature back there, and now, you’re beginning to think the impossible again", Brock said.

"No! There's a help! We must get it now!"

"Watch your mouth Jacob! Can't you see what situation are we in right now?"

"Hey stop! Stop it, you two! Especially you, Brock! Come on! Cut it out! We’re in this together! Jacob’s right! We must get that radio", Diane shouted.

"Look! If you don’t want to get it, fine with me. I’ll go there. Just stay here and don’t leave", I said.

"Wait. I’m coming with you", she said.

"Thank you. Come on."

We brought some guns before we leave. I opened the door, and then, I began shooting the infected that are closing in.

“Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang . . .!”

"Diane, back me up. I’ll run to it."

I ran as fast as I could, while Diane was shooting the infected on my way. After a few moments, I had arrived at the station hold.

"Diane! Go!"

She began to run towards me.

Suddenly . . .

"Diane, behind you!"

An infected from the roof of the trailer jumped at her back, and then, she shot it in the head. More infected came running toward us, but they didn’t last after a firing squad by the team.

". . . This is Former Officer Jacob Styles of the RPD, together with my comrade, Diane Montgomery. We’re here now at Hampshire Subway Station. We read you, please respond."

After a few minutes, the radio sounded:

". . . Citizens of Rushford, if you can hear this transmission right now, you are not mistaken that there is still hope. This is Randall Arkline, reporting from the military outpost here at Wintergreen. I am currently sending this transmission now. If you can hear me, do not hesitate to come here for your needs. I will provide safety, security, food, shelter and a chopper ready for us to fly away from here. Please respond if you get this. My frequency is 180.8. I repeat; my frequency is 180.8. Respond as soon as possible. I will be waiting."

"It can’t be! It’s Randall!" Diane surprised.

"Randall Arkline. Do you know him?" I asked.

"Yes, I know him. He spared Brock and I back at Halford Inc. Richard decided to kill us, but Randall spared our lives. We must get to Wintergreen fast, before it’s too late for him."

"No. We can’t trust him."

"Why not? What are you talking about? Didn't you hear?! He’ll provide needs. We must get there!"

"You don’t understand. He works for Halford and he’s the root of all of this! He also works with his brother Chris. You don’t understand. I want you to know that we can’t trust Halford and anything or anyone what or who’s involving with it!"

Diane kept herself silent after that. After a few moments again, she decided to call Randall's frequency.

"What are you doing?"

"I’m calling him. I’m going to tell him that we’re still alive."

"Don’t do it!"

"Jacob, we need him."

"You don’t understand me!"

"How about understanding every one of us, huh?! Each of us needs to get away from this nightmare, so we’re calling him up right now! Don’t even think about restraining me!"

"Alright. Okay. Call him."

After she had set its frequency. . .

". . . Randall! Randall! It’s me, Diane! We’re still alive! We’re nine in all! Please pick this up! It’s me, Diane! Remember? Two weeks ago? Come on! Pick this up! Hurry!"

Suddenly, we heard sounds of shattering glass. I think; it’s from the train!

"Diane, we need to return. Quick!"

“Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang . . . !”

Then, sounds of gunfire came ringing in our ears!

". . . Randall! We don’t have much time. We’ll be there! Just don’t leave the place! We’ll be there! Wait for us!"

As we got out of the hold, we apparently saw the infected busting inside the train, one by one!

 "What the . . .?! Come on!"

"Ahh! Diane! Jacob!"

We hurried back to the train, and then, we killed all the infected.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang . . .!"

After the war against the dead, we got back inside. Unfortunately, we saw stains of blood everywhere.

"We’re too late. Oh! Damn!" I whispered in frustration.

"We’re still alive, but Chief and Bob, they didn’t make it. We’re sorry", Hunnigan apologized.

"No! Bob! Chief! No!"

"We’re sorry, Styles. We haven’t saved them. We’re all out", Virgil said.

I broke down into tears. I should have stayed here in the first place. Bob was my best friend and Chief was my second father. They had been taken away.

"Jacob, we need to continue our journey", Brock said.

I didn’t say anything at all. I should have risked my life for them. I didn’t want to be taken away, but it was already too late.

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