Chapter 3:5: Strange Happenings - The Epidemic Part I

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The next day, I woke up at 7 in the morning, just to watch the breaking news update. As I took out my Baked Cheese Macaroni from the oven, I turned on the television and switched on my favorite channel. Then after a few moments of disturbing commercials, there was the news that was expecting for.

"Good morning Rushford! It’s time for sizzling news at 7. A group of policemen from RPD gathered around the Halford Inc. to witness the glimpse of the lake for something that’s very suspicious and odd. There you can see a mob of people also spectating of what will be the RPD's next move after investigating the truth behind water contamination."

"Yes! I did it! There’s no way that the contamination will spread throughout the cascading waters around Rushford. At last, people will be saved, oh", I said with a sigh, and then I got back to watching the news.

"In other news, Rushford Hospital is currently breeding with numerous victims of so-called food poisoning. The nurses react about what’s happening during the RPD's investigations earlier today. Furthermore, they’re critically alarmed of what various kinds of signs and symptoms the victims are experiencing. Different suspicions are more prioritized than imminent admissions, wherein the said manifestations are truly bizarre and considered as 'life-threatening' . . ."

"Oh no. You’ve got to be kidding me", I suddenly whispered, as I turned off the television.

"Too late now. I’m going to the hospital."

I grabbed my jacket and the car keys. I got in the car and sped away.

". . . Bob! Pick this up right now!” I planned to contact Bob through his radio.

". . . Jay! You’re right! The lake was being contaminated, but bad news. We can’t clean it up. The complex has locked itself, including the water treatment plant. There’s nothing we can do now."

". . . Bob, listen to me very carefully. I’m on my way now to the hospital. It’s already too late! It’s all over the news now! We can’t stop the poisoning anymore!"

". . . Jay! You have to be very quick. I’m sorry that I won’t accompany you there. Good luck!"

". . . Thanks Bob. Styles out."

After several minutes of reckless driving, I arrived at the hospital.

The hospital was currently in bad and in disorganized state. The visitors were fully-accommodated at the corner. While I was passing by the hallways of the vicinity, I looked in every room. Patients were suffering critically. Some were vomiting blood, some were experiencing actual burning of their skins and some were suffering into numerous convulsions.

"Oh! I’m so sorry!"

I bumped into a beautiful nurse. She had a long, dark hair, with eyes shining like pearls, with rosy cheeks and with an inspiring smile. She stumbled noticeably on the ground, and unknowingly shook off her medicine tray with syringes on it.

"Oh! I’m sorry. Let me help you", I said, while I was helping her to stand up.

She dazzlingly looked at me and apologized, "I’m sorry Sir. I didn’t mean to bump you."

"No, it is okay. Uhm, I’m Former Officer Jacob Styles of the RPD. You are?"

"My name is Ashyra. Ashyra Ashfield. I’m so sorry. I’m in a hurry now", she introduced.

"Wait. I’m coming with you."

I joined her company wherever she would go.

"So Ashyra, what’s happening here?", I asked.

"All of our patients here are experiencing complications like hematemesis or vomiting blood, skin rashes, pruritus or skin itchiness, massive epistaxis or nose bleeding, severe seizures, varicose on extremities-all the worst things that lead to life-threatening possibilities and even worse, death", she replied.

"So you mean that there’s no cure for these patients?"

"Apparently, we haven’t yet discovered the true cure for them. The common cause of their suffering is food poisoning, but the very odd thing is, it’s very impossible for it to cause some of the most critical conditions.

"I think, it’s something to do with the contamination", I said.

"So, what do you know about this, Officer? Do you have any ideas?"

"I have, but not sure."

Eventually, we accessed to a quarantined hallway. The other batches of patients were also seen in this area.

"You’re late Ashyra. We lost two people", another nurse said.

"Ashyra, is he your boyfriend? He’s handsome, huh", another nurse said, as she giggled.

"Guys, stop it. He’s Former Officer Jacob Styles from the RPD. Sir, this is Hunnigan Brewster, and Debbie Sanders", Ashyra introduced me to her beautiful friends.

"Hello ladies. It’s very nice to see you here. My apologies if I’m interrupting something", I said.

"Not at all, Officer, it’s okay. We’re just having a break", Debbie said.

I walked towards a dead man. His skin had already sloughed off. Flesh was already seen dripping with blood. His eyes had popped out. His jaws had been locked. His skin on his face was gangrenous.

"This is the worst thing that I have ever seen in my whole life. I mean, this is worse than food poisoning", I said, while I was examining the corpse.

"You said it, Officer. Until now, we still don’t know how to cure them because they die shortly. We’re doing everything we can to save them, but nothing of it has worked out, even one person to be cured completely", Hunnigan said, in frustration.

"Come on, you ladies. Don’t be frustrated. These are not your faults. Someone has to be blamed for all of this, and I know one thing for sure, that I’ll get him and make him pay."

 ". . . Jay! Jay! Do you copy?” it was Bob's voice on my radio.

". . . I read you Bob; I’m here now in the hospital. Bad news Bob, most of the patients here are dying now, without receiving a full treatment. This catastrophe is getting out of hand. We need to think something fast."

". . . Jay, I’m sorry, but I do know one thing about that epidemic: everyone should not come in contact with infected people, do you understand me?"

". . . Copy that Bob."

"What now, Officer? What should we do now? We can’t let these people die one by one", Ashyra asked.

"I’m sorry to say that we don’t have any possible cure for this, but was being informed that everyone should be advised not to come in contact with infected people. The infected should be isolated away from the healthy ones as soon as possible. Do you copy ladies?"

"Yes, we do", the nurses said in unison.

"Alright, let’s get this show started."

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