Chapter 22

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We walked to the car and I unlocked it. We got in and started driving home. It's gonna take about 30 minutes so belle texted Nash and told him we are on our way.

Shawn is my best friend in the whole world but if he ever hurts bri I'm gonna kill him. Bri is my new sister and I love her to death I hope she has a great time.

We got to my house and got our bags out of the back we went to the back yard so the boys won't see us and put their presents in the barn.

We walked into the house and sat on the couch. I sat on Connors lap and laid my head on his chest. Shawn and bri left for the date already so we watched a movie.

Half way through the movie I got super tired. I cuddled up on Connors lap and fell asleep with my head in his neck. I tried to stay up to wait on bri and Shawn but I'll hear about it tomorrow.

I felt my body be lifted through the air and be put down on a bed. After a few minutes of trying to go back to sleep I felt the bed dip in and I could smell Connors body wash so I knew it was him.

I cuddled up and put my head on his chest and fell back asleep. I love the way we cuddle and our bodies fit together like two puzzle pieces.

I fell into a deep sleep and let the blackness take over my body and I was out like a light.

I woke up to my pillow aka Connor moving. I could tell he was trying to not wake me up. I groaned very loudly just to show him I'm awake.

"Oh sorry babe I didn't mean to wake you up. You can go back to sleep with you want it's only 7." He kissed my forehead and I blushed.

"Okay I'll be awake later. I love you." I kissed his lips and fell back asleep. Let's just say I'm only a morning person when I see Connor first.

I heard him say " I love you more princess." Then close the door quietly. Smiling I went back to sleep thinking about Connor and bri.

"Wake up babe!" I smile thinking its Connor but I look up and see Shawn and bri jumping on me. Ugh they better leave.

"What!" I snapped I didn't mean to but I did.

"Well good morning beautiful best friend of mine. Wake up Connor needs you." I sat up and put my arms out so Shawn could carry me.

He laughed and picked me up. I rap my legs around his waist and lay my head down. Wow I haven't been held like this since I was little and Matt would carry me.

We walked down stairs and I hear they boys talking. I didn't care what about cause I was almost asleep again. I felt myself being put in someone's lap.

I didn't even look up I just cuddled and went back to sleep. What? I was really tired and didn't feel good.

"Baby. Wake up. It's time to get up." I hear Connor say. I sit up and open my eyes to see Connor across the room.

Wait if he is over there then whose lap am I on? I look up to see JC  holding me. Oh well. I laid my head back on his chest but kept my eyes open.

"Hey sleepy head go get dressed I am getting your birthday present early." Jc whispers in my ear. I nod and said ok I got up and kissed Connor then dragged bri with me.

"So tell me what happened while I get dressed." I remember I was asleep when she got home. I felt bad but oh well. She still loves me.....I hope.

"So we went to a really nice restaurant and ate and just talked about our relationship and our futures. And after we got done we went to a cave. The entrance was hidden behind a waterfall. It was beautiful. We swam and it was cool I had a lot of fun. Then he gave a long speech about how he loves me and I'm the only girl he ever wants to be with. Then he pulled out a promise ring and promised to make me Mrs. Mendes one day." Awe thanks so cute.

"well I'm happy for you now can you go get Connor please?" She nodded and walked out the room. I laid on my bed and waited.

"Hey did you need me princess?" Connor walked in and closed the door and laid down beside me. I started crying so he held me and let me cry.

This is what I love about him. He doesn't ask questions until I stop crying. And boy was I crying. And it felt like I would never stop. I needed Mathew cause I need my big brother.

"Matthew lee Espinosa come here please I need you! Connor can you give us alone time please and tell jc I'll be down in like an hour?" He nodded and kissed my cheek.

He walked out right when Matt walked in. Matt saw I was crying and ran over to me and pulled me onto his lap. And hugged me tight.

"Little butterfly what's wrong?" He kissed the top of my head in a comforting way. I love my big brother.

"I mi-miss mom a-and d-ad!" I sobbed into his chest. I can't stand not having my parents with me anymore.

After about an hour of crying I redid my make up and put on black sweat pants on that said caylen down the leg. I put on my o2l muscle tee. And my Nike slides.

I grabbed my locket and decided to give out presents now. I walked downstairs and went to the barn. I unlocked it and got all the bags. I locked it back and went inside.

" boys I bought you guys stuff." They all looked up and smiled.

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