Chapter 9

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"Uncle was in a car accident." Matt looked mad and Sam looked shocked. I looked with tears rolling down my face.

Just as I looked up I see Matthew slam the door. I instantly start to cry even harder. I knew I should have told him sooner.

I walked out to find Matt. I went to his room to find him packing his bag. I knew exactly what he was going to do. He was going home.

"Matt please don't be mad. I would have told you sooner but I found out when you guys left to buy stuff for your video." He looked at me and I finally noticed him crying.

"You seriously think I'm mad about that?" I was confused. "I'm not mad because you didn't tell me. I'm mad cause you look like you don't even care. " he walks out without saying anything else.

I knew I was just messing up everyone's life. I know what I have to do. I was going to run away. Once everyone goes to bed I will leave.

Later that night

Once I finally thought everyone was asleep I got up and pulled out my flashlight on my phone. Running around the room trying to find all my stuff but also trying not to wake anyone up.

I got all my stuff in my suitcase and out in the hallway. I pulled out a pen and paper and wrote a note to everyone. I was crying by the time I walked out of the room.

"Goodbye. I love you." I whisper as I pass each of their rooms. I got to the elevator and pushed the lobby button.

The elevator doors opened and I walked out with my bags. I was about to reach the door when I heard a familiar voice.

"Thanks for coming Nash I couldn't sleep after what happened with Lina." I knew it was Matthew so I ran outside before they could see me.

I called a taxi and got in.
"Where to miss?" I looked down at my lap.
"The airport please." He gave me a small smile and a nod and started to drive.

I didn't know where I was going but I knew I had to leave. I was only hurting the boys and I love them all way to much to hurt them. They don't deserve to be hurt.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the man saying we were here. I paid him and got out. He helped me with my bags wished me luck and drove off.

I was looking at what plane was leaving next. It said flight 641 to New York. Heck yea looks like I'm going there. The plane leaves at 1:30 and it only 12:15 so I had a few minutes.

I walked to Starbucks and ordered a coffee. I can't believe I am leaving them. I already called my aunt and told her and she said okay as long as I call her at least twice a month.

Flight 641 to New York now boarding. Flight 641 to New York.

I ran to the gate and gave her my passport. After she looked I got on the plane and sat down. Looking out the window I took and big sigh.

Pulling out my phone I got on Instagram and took a picture of the sky. "I'm gonna miss y'all like crazy. But this is for the best. I'll call y'all sometime in the future." Tears fell as I tag all the boys and pushed post.

I turn my phone off cause i knew in a few hours it would be blowing up with calls and texts from everyone. I know I could have handled things better then I did but I didn't.

After and few hours on the plane we landed. I got my bags and called a taxi. Grabbing Starbucks on the way out I walked to the car. Get in telling him to go to the nearest hotel.

We got to the hotel and it was beautiful! I wish I could just live here. I got my bag out and paid the man. He drove off leaving me to look at the building I would call home until I got a house.

"Welcome how can I help you?" A girl only a few years older then me asked nicely.
"Hi I need a room for a couple of nights. Is there any  available?" Smiling she nodded and checked me a room. And she gave a discount. Score!! 

"Here you are ma'am room 56 floor 8." I nodded and got my key and went to the elevator. Gosh I hate these things.

I got to floor 8 and walked counting the numbers. 53,54,55, there is is 56. I put the key in and opened the door. I gasped dropping my bags.

It was huge! It had a king sized bed and a huge kitchen. I walked to a door and it led to a bathroom with a walk in shower. It was beautiful here.

Walking back to the living room I saw a gorgeous balcony with lights hanging over it. It looked like there was many stars out.

I changed into shorts and my Espinosa t shirt. Climbing into bed I fell into a deep sleep. If only I didn't have to dream and the boys.

Beep beep beep

Ugh I turned of my alarm clock and got up. I looked around and then remembered I left. Sighing I jumped in the shower.

After I washed my hair and body I got out. I got dressed in a pair of dark skinny jeans a Kevin hart long sleeve shirt and my white high tops. I grabbed my purse and phone with my keys and left.

I was going house hunting today. I hope I find something. I didn't really have a price range cause money didn't matter to me anymore.

Two hours and five houses later

I think I finally found the house I want. I called the person to come and show me around so I could look inside. She pulled up and unlocked the house.

After looking around a little bit I definitely wanted it.

"So ma'am is this what you want. This is a lovely house but it is kinda big for a young girl like you." I smiled and I said this is it.

After about 30 minutes of paper work I could move in anytime. She gave me the keys and left. I looked at my new house and I couldn't believe I just bought this.

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