Chapter 31

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Matt finally got to the hospital and we were all asleep. I woke up to him holding Jacob talking in a baby voice.

"Hey Matt. I see you met your baby nephew." He smiled and I could tell he was crying.
"I'm sorry. It's just your life has changed so much since we left for the first Magcon. Ever since mom and dad passed we've changed. Now we are engaged and you have a baby. I'm proud of you Lina." I was crying. I gave him a hug and took my baby boy from him.

"So I heard Hayes met a girl. Is she nice? How old is she? Is she pretty?" He started laughing at all the questions I was asking at once.

"Yes he did. She is 15. She has long brown hair. Blue eyes but not as pretty as his. Her name is lainey dallas.  And yes she is nice. She acts kinda like you and the girls sometimes." I smiled happily knowing Hayes is happy and she is nice.

"Ok well I get to leave tomorrow morning so I'll have her over and we'll go shopping or something. Now you and cam and everyone else go home and sleep. I'll call you tomorrow to come and get me." I kissed his cheek and he kissed Jacobs.

They all said bye to me and kissed the baby. I put Jacob in his bed and went to sleep. Now I get to see belle tomorrow.

I laid down and looked at Connor who was asleep in the chair. He looked so uncomfortable. I'm gonna wake him up.

"Connor wake up babe. Go home and get some sleep I'll be perfectly fine tonight." He objected but I finally got him to go.

I got on my phone and posted pictures of baby Jacob. Then, I posted more of the boys and texted Hayes.

L- hey baby bro why didn't you tell me and about Lainey?

H-cause you were popping a baby out?

L- true. That's reasonable. Give me her number.

H- okay I'll text it to you.

L-okay I'll see you tomorrow when I get released. And you can meet you nephew.

H- okay love you bye.

L- love you too bye.

I locked my phone and layed down. I let the darkness cover me as I fall into a deep sleep.

I woke up to the nurse coming in. She checks to see if I can go home and then checks on Jacob.

"Okay sweetie you are perfectly good. You can leave when you want to." She smiles and hands me the baby.

"Thank you." She nods and then walks out and closes the door. I changed Jacob into a blue onesie. I put a little hat on him and call Matt.

L- hey Matt I can leave. Can you and Connor come get us and bring the car seat we bought.

M- yes be there in 20.

L- okay love you bye.

M- love you 2 bye.

I waited for a few minutes until I saw Matt walk in with Connor. Connor comes running over to me with the car seat. We buckle up Jacob and head to the car.

We pulled up to the house and I got Jacob out of the car seat. We walked in and I turned on the lights.

"Surprise!" Everyone jumped out and screamed. Aw that's nice. I love my family.

"Aw you guys are sweet." I hug them then head upstairs. I change into spandex and a mint green sports bra.

I grabbed my Connor franta hoodie and went down stairs. I picked up Jacob and went back upstairs to his room we put together.

I changed him into a red magcon shirt and a pair of black sweat pants. I put on his socks and changed his diaper. I grabbed his blanket and wrapped him up.

I picked him up and walked downstairs. And I see Hayes. I walk over and sit down.

"Hey bub." He looks up and smiles.

"Aw is this Jacob?" I nodded and he starts talking in a baby voice.

"Do you wanna hold him? He is your nephew." Hayes looks like a kid in a candy store. He nodded and I put J in his arms.

I took a picture of them then remembered I have to call the girls so we can meet Lainey. I took out my phone and called the girls. They said they will be here in 15 minutes.

I called Lainey. This is going to be weird. Considering she doesn't know us. I dialed her number and pushed call.

L-Lainey. LE- Lina Espinosa.


LE- hi this is Lina I'm Hayes grier's friend/older sister and I was wanting to meet you. I wanted to see if you wanted to go shopping with me and the girls today.

L- yes that sounds fun. But why didn't I meet you yesterday when I came over?

LE- oh I was having a baby. That may sound weird but I was pregnant and I went into labor.

L- oh that makes sense. But can you come get me cause I'm only 15 and can't drive.

LE- yes I'll be there in 30. Text me your address.

We hung up and I told the boys. Me and Jacob went upstairs and changed. I put his stroller into my car and moved his car seat into my car and not matts.

I put J in his car seat and drove to Lainey's house I honked and she came out. Wow she is pretty. She got in and we introduced our selves.

I picked up the girls who were now at my house and we left. While we was driving they played with the baby.

"Lina you made a cute baby. He is adorable." Lainey said being polite.

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