Chapter 34

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I was awoken by someone pounding on my front door. I stood up and opened it. I saw all the guys standing there looking drunk off their butts. I was so mad after I heard Jacob start crying.

They really decide to come here at three in the morning drunk! No way in heck am I letting them in. Now I have to put Jacob back to sleep.

" your not coming in my house now. Your drunk and its three in the morning. Now get a hotel and be lucky if I ever let you guys back in my house. Including you Connor." With that I slammed the door.

I locked the door and picked up the baby. I carried him upstairs and turned off the living room light. I changed the baby and finally got him back to sleep.

Connors pov.

I don't remember much of last night. I remember the boys taking me to a bar and I got really drunk. I look around and see I'm in a hotel room.

Crap! Did I sleep with someone? I see all the boys laying anywhere they could find asleep. And no sign of any girls. Good but why are we in a hotel room and not at home? 

"Boys wake up!" They all groan and sit up. They look around and only some of the 9 boys we have actually know why we are here.

"Boys we need to talk.... It's about Lina."  My head shot up and I looked at Cameron. Is she hurt. Are they okay? So many questions are going through my head.

"What about her? Is she okay?" He looked kinda sad and scared to speak. It can't be that bad can it?

"Listen. Um last night after most of y'all were drunk we took you guys home. And well Lina wasn't so happy. And we woke up the baby. And she kinda said if we are lucky she will let us back at the house." My heart broke. But I'm the father for the baby she can't kick me out.

"Did she say me. Cause Jacob is my baby too." He looked down and sighed.

"She said even you Connor. I'm sorry." Yep I'm officially broken. I probably ruined the best relationship I have ever had just to get a stupid drink with my friends? I am stupid.

"Guys we need to talk to her. I can't lose her and my baby. They are the best things to happen to me. Besides you guys." I was crying and trying to call her.

After about 30 times calling she never answered. I went to her house but she was gone. I called the girls and they haven't seen her either.

We don't think she is talking to anyone. But I will never give up on trying to talked to her. Even if I have to sit on her door step and wait.

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