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Savannahs P.O.V

It was a normal day for me. Well a normal Friday morning for me. I woke up to "sledgehammer" by Fifth harmony coming on as my alarm for me. It woke me right on time. 7:55 A.M. Your probably wondering why I wasn't already up fixing breakfast by then. But it's friday. Fridays are the days I don't have work at target till 4:45pm and only work till 5:55pm to 6:15pm-ish. I'm the manger at the one the departments at the Target near me. I also work at Harris teeters as a bagger and a cashier. Doesn't pay much but thankfully target does.

* 10 minutes later *

I was down stairs fixing me breakfast, eggs & bacon as usual, when I heard a rustling noise upstairs. That could only mean one thing. My James was up. James is not my boyfriend but,he sure did still my heart. He's 2 & 1/2 years old and he's just the cutest little toddler you'll ever meet. He came down stairs in his pjs and his hair all messed up. By the time he was all the way down the stairs the first words he spoke to me were, "Mommy I'm hungry." So of course I gave him some food,But the bacon had to be cut up because he couldn't eat full long lengths of bacon. By the time I sat it down and went to the fridge to get some milk for me and juice for him, his bacon was already gone. He sure was hungry I tell you.

I told him " Why don't you go to the living room & watch Jake & the neverland pirates"

"Okay mommy." was he all he said.

While he was watching that I was finishing up my breakfast, and cleaning up our table scraps. I heard him yell.

I looked over and he was crying. i asked "what's wrong." He said "JAKE AND THE NEVERLAND PIRATES ISNT ON!"

" I'm sorry sweetie, just watch this show. Wait what Is it... Oh Sofia the first. You can watch for another 10 minutes while I'm finishing eating and cleaning up our mess?" "okay mommy." James said.

*10 minutes later*

"Mommy! It's been ten minutes." James said

"I didn't know you could tell time. But your just in time because I just finished. But let's go and get you ready for the day." Was all i told him.
We went up to Jame's bedroom & I went to his closet to get his clothes while he went to his dresser to get his socks & underwear. I tell you he's a smart boy for 2 & 1/2 year old. I picked him out a cute little outfit that was sorta kinda preppy but yet still not preppy. He got his socks and put them on and I got him dressed and then went onto my room to get dressed and went to the bathroom in my room to put my makeup on, until i heard a knock at the door. James was there. I let him and he was starting to ask me why did I put make up on even when I was beautiful without it. I reluctantly told him thank you & I just put foundation, eye liner, and mascara on. He walked out of the room. I finished putting my make up on and I walked out of my room. I went to James' room to tell him we were leaving. every other morning we go on a run or a walk around our neighborhood. Our neighborhood is a gatted community so it's fine to walk around and not here gun shots  or police sirens 24/7.

I then proceeded to go to my car, which is a honda accord and  I buckled James into his car seat, he does backwards facing still. But I have a mirror on the seat so I can still see him. as a baby he always through a fit in the car seat or always pooped or peed in the car seat (a/n ik babies poop and pee a lot it was supposed to make the story longer! )

so when james & I got to the park that our gated community had built for the people in our community. he immediately ran for the slides. I didn't make him run,walk, or jog with me. I just kept my eyes close on him. for about 10 minutes or so I was jogging running walking or whatever & suddenly I heard "Mommy MOMMY MOMMY" & It Had To Be James . we were the only ones there. I had stopped my work out and went over to wear he was. he wanted to be pushed in the swings. I told him let me pick you up & I will push you on the swings. he isn't quite big enough to fit in the "big boy" swings as he calls them. so I had to push him in the baby swings. he told me to go higher but I didn't push him any higher. by the time we had finished it was around ish. so we got into the car & went home. once we got home

I told him he could go to the play room I had set aside for him. he obeyed and went to the play room. once I knew for sure he was in the playroom I got my MacBook & sat down on our wonderfully soft brown L SHAPED couch. it was so comfy some nights me & James fell asleep on it. but back to what I was saying . once I turned on the laptop I went onto YouTube & as some might know, I do singing videos/covers & vlogs with James💕. I had just started YouTube maybe 6 months ago... & I had 999,899 subscribers!!!! 101 subscribers left till 1 million. I then proceeded to watch one of my fav YouTube mommies, Named HayleeAndFamily. yall should go check her out. that's also where I got my name from. my YouTube name was SavannahAndFamily. after I watched her boyfriend tag with Randy(they are the cutest thing ever!), I checked my email nothing usual just online shopping coupons popping up, work mail. junk mail all that stuff. then I got a call from an unknown number but I picked it up. *Phone Call*b= Bart Bordelon ( magcon manager )s= Savannahb // Hello , is this Savannah Jayde Baker ? s // yes.. who is this.b // this is the manager of magcon. & just last week I spoke with your partner or manager on YouTube and she said you had an amazing voice & you surly did. I then found out you had a son. now is that correct?s // yes that is correct. he is technically my brother but my died after giving birth to him I adopted James.b // I love his name. but anyways I also came across that you worked at target as a manager. & at Harris teeters as a bagger and a cashier. now is that correct once again?s // yes sir.b // well I contacted the target and Harris teeters you work out and they are giving you a break for a few months. they will still pay you for days you were supposed to work. but for now & the main question is, would you like to come to magcon with the boys & our Dj? s // yes. but will I be able to bring James?b // yes. now again, I've already mailed you the plane tickets for you and James. I was gladly to tell you, I have already paid for the bills you will have while your gone. no need to worry about that. s // why thank you. that's really nice of you.b // your welcome. you will need to start packing immediately. you probably will wanna pack a lot of summer clothes. a lot of blankets , shoes, and make sure to bring your phone. s // I sure will. I will be packing right now. can I call you if I have any questions? b // yes you can !s // thank you! I will be calling if you I need you. we'll have a good day today. b // you too!

never would I know that was the phone call that's gonna change my life forever

just because were magcon, doesn't mean we have to only last six seconds!

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