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savannah's pov

It's the morning after Christmas morning and I just got a text from Katrina saying that had just left for the airport and that they would be leaving with their flight at 8:45 am. It was 7:15 right now. But right now I wasn't going to be worrying about them. I was just gonna worry about James for right now. Me and him had somewhere to be today. He was getting sick so I needed to take him to the doctors. And thank god the roads were not bad at all. I took James out earlier when he woke up at 7 too see the snow and he enjoyed it.

Me and James were still upstairs in his room because he wanted to play with his new toys and I let him. For only about 45 more minutes. Because he had his appointment at 9:45 this morning and I wanted to stop and get him breakfast and me a starbucks. While he was playing I had gotten him dressed for the day in one of the shirts we got him for christmas. I also put him in some joggers Hayes had gotten him. I put him also in some shoes Nash had gotten him and then a coat Nash had got him a few month back. But i chose my ohio state bling jersey from victoria's secret and my fleece leggins from victoria's secret also. For my perfume I also put on my vs angel perfume. I also chose my triple bailey bow boots in tall. I also put on my white patagonia coat incase i got cold. () It was now 8:15 and we needed to head and go. I called James into my room and told him it was time to leave. I grabbed my phone and his tablet my dad bought him for Christmas and put it in my purse. I grabbed my purse and put it on my right arm and then picked up James and sat him on my left hip. I walked out of my room and went down the stairs. I sat James down on the couch once we got downstairs and went into the kitchen and got my car keys and house keys and put them in my purse. I then headed back into the living room and picked up James and headed to the front door. I opened the front door and headed out to my car. Nash had left the car seat he bought for James with me. So now I have two car seats. I keep both of them in my car but I don't know why.

I unlocked the car and sat him in his car seat on the passenger side in the back seat and buckled him up. I shut the door and went back to the front door of my house and locked it. I walked back to the car and got in the drivers side and buckled up. I shut my door and cranked the car up. I put my purse in the passenger seat and backed out of the driveway. Once i backed out of the driveway, I headed to chik-fil-a for some breakfast for James.

*at chik-fil-a*

We had just arrived at chikfila and the line outside was long. But typically the line inside wouldn't take long at all. So I parked the car and got James out and went inside. There was literally like 3 people inside. And they were sitting down. I walked up to the cash register and waited for someone to come take my order. When they did, a girl name Caitlyn took my order. I ordered James a plain bisquit with cheese and a small chocolate milk. And i got same thing except I didn't get the chocolate milk. The girl told me my order total and I paid her. She gave me my recipt and I walked over to the waiting area. About 3 minutes later they gave us our order and I headed out to my car with the food and drinks in my hand and james holding my purse walking right beside me. Once we got to the car. I opened up the passenger side door first and put the food in the seat and put James' drink in the cup holder. I then took my purse from James and put in the seat also. I closed the door and opened up James' door and picked him up and sat him in his car seat. I buckled him up and closed his door. I walked over to the drivers side of the car and opened up the door and got in. Once I got in and buckled up I gave James his food and his milk. Telling him to make sure he doesn't spill his milk and to make sure he eats all of his food. He said he would.

I cranked the car up and headed onto starbucks so i could get my drink. Starbucks was seriously in the same parking area as chikfila was so at least I didn't have to go to far.

When i pulled to the ordering thing outside and they asked me what I wanted and I said i wanted a venti vanilla latte. They gave me my total and told me to pull forward. When i pulled forward Walker, my dads son, gave me my drink. I asked him what was he doing he here, He said working obviously. I asked him when did he got off. He said 5:15. I asked would he and Sadie come over tonight. He said they would be to my house around 6:30. I nodded, paid him and drove away. It was now time to head to the doctors appointment.

The Man and the Baby (n.m) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now