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second update today!!!

savannah's pov - outfit of the day

I woke up around 9:45 am and its now 10:13 am. I had to wake up and get ready for the plane trip because we leave in almost 10 hours but it would take me a while because I had James. I got up out of my bed and went into my closet and chose me some clothes that would be comfortable enough for the plane. I took them with inside my bathroom and went and took a shower. After i took my shower, I put on my clothes which were my yoga leggings, my victoria's secret pink shirt, my vs perfume and then put on my socks. After I slid my socks on I went into my room and put my watch on and walked back over to my closet and got my shoes out that I was gonna wear. I decided on my bailey bow tall boots in black. I shut my closet door and went to my night stand and grabbed my phone, my computer, my camera, and James' tablet and went into the hallway and put them in my carry on bag. Well i kept my phone on me but the rest of it went in my carry on bag. I then went downstairs and found my camera and my phone charger and went upstairs. Once i got in the hallway up stairs, I put the chargers in my carry on bag.

I then walked back down the stairs and started cooking me and James some breakfast. We hadn't had bacon or eggs in a while so i cooked that for us. When i was almost done cooking, I heard James come down stairs and sit at the table. Once I was done I put our food in our own separate plates and headed to the table where he was. I sat down with him and started eating our breakfast. I was done before him so I took my plate and washed it. I then put it in the dish dryer rack and walked back over to James and saw he was done. I grabbed his plate and went and washed it.

I took him upstairs and gave him a shower. I chose him a shirt that says "I still live with my parents" and his off-khaki colored pants. Once I got him dressed, I told him he could go downstairs and watch some tv. I saw him walk down the stairs so I went and got our bags and started bringing them downstairs. Once i finished, I went into the garage getting my keys off the key holder by the door and came inside. I put my keys on the table by the front door with my wristlet.

*at 7:45*

Me and James had been watching tv all day and I cleaned a little bit and now it was almost 8. I went around the house and checked the doors and windows to make sure they were locked. Even the upstairs. When I got back downstairs, I had a few messages on my phone.

Bart - I just called in your cab. They should be there by 10:15. When you get to the airport just tell the valet your with Magcon and show them your tickets and they will take you to the back and you can get screened their. Also when you get here. I will be here waiting for you. The boys are already here. And they will be meeting you also. If you have any questions please call me. Also you will be rooming with Mahogany if she wants to and if she doesn't you will be rooming alone. Besides James. Have a good night and a good flight.

I read it and just looked at my other messages

Sammy - yo boyfriend is over here drooling. can you get him to stop. and btw were almost there. we just got in the car so were almost to the hotel. Were staying at the sheraton hotel too and i looked it up and it is amazing. but we don't know the rooming arangments till you get here so yeah.

Boys these days. I went and put my phone by the door and went back up stairs and got redressed. I put on my vs sleep shirt that said, "I like you and Naps", my nike pro spandex shorts, and my red pink sports bra on under my sleep shirt. I then went and put my boots on and reapplied my perfume. (outfit - ) I walked around my room to make sure I hadn't forgot anything and went downstairs.

When I got downstairs I saw James playing with his toys he keeps downstairs. I just sat down on the couch until I heard a car horn outside of my house.

10:07 pm

When I got to the front door I saw it was the cab. I saw it was a woman and told her my bags were in here. She came and got the acutal suitcases but I had my wristlet, and our carry on bags with me. I told her where we were going and she went there. Halfway there, I got a text from Bart saying "Your flights been moved up to 11:30. Hurry up and get there."

I told the lady and she said we were almost there. Once we got there, the vallet asked me where did I need to go and i told him what Bart told me to do. The guy led me to the back and checked me in. He asked me did I need anything because I couldn't leave this room too 11:25 so I could board first class. (I don't know why Bart needs us to board first class. It's at night.) and i said a venti vanilla bean frap from starbucks. He nodded and went onto to what I'm guessing is starbucks. About 15 minutes later, he came back with my drink, a cookie, and a cake pop. "Why'd you get me a cookie and a cake pop." "Well your gonna be needing something to eat on the plane. The plane has even worst food at night." "Awh thanks." I looked at the time and said, "Well its 11:20 lets head and start going to the plane so he can sleep." I picked up James and held him on my hip and put my carry on, on my should and held my drink in my hand along with my cake pop and cookie. Once we got there, no one was there taking the tickets so I sat my drink down and started texting Nate, "Bout to board the plane. Have fun while i'm not there Nathan. Night Skathan. Tell Jack, Jack, Taylor, and Sammy i said hey. *end with a kissy face and a heart*" I hit send and put my phone back in my carry on bag and picked up my drink. I saw the lady come to the desk and I handed her my tickets and she let me in.

I walked through the terminal and got on the plane. I walked through the plane till I got to the first class seating area and found mine and James' seat. I sat him down in the window seat and sat our bags in my seat. I looked through them until i found my phone and then i put it in my seat. I sat my drink and food in the seat and put our bags in the cubby for the carry on. I shut the lid to it and sat down. I buckled James up and then buckled my self up. I asked James to hold my drink and food for me and he did. I got comfy in my seat and then took my food and drink back. I pulled down the tray and put my food and drink on it and the pulled my phone out too see if Nate texted me back and he had.

Nate - Me and Sammy just went and got some food. Hope you have an amazing flight babe. tell James i'm ready to see his cute self. and maybe your cute self too. but anyways see you in like 7 or 8 hours? BTW this picture just for you babe

Savannah - Awh you called me babe. And admit it. Im cuter than James.

Nate - I meant princess i swear. and nah will never admit it.

Savannah - they just told us to put up our electronics and turn them off till they tell us too. night Skathan.

I closed the iMessage app and took a quick picture and captioned it, "heading to chicago to see the boys with the best" the picture also showed James half asleep. I turned my phone off and put it up. I gave my cake pop to James and ate my cookie. The plane took off and James was already half asleep. I continued drinking my drink until it was gone and i started feeling sleepy. I started dozing off until i felt my eyes completely shut.

The Man and the Baby (n.m) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now