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savannahs pov

It was now Wednesday morning and my boss lady had gone home last night and the two boys on my couch were still asleep. One was Nash and the other was James. I was not expecting Nash too be here today or even come after me. But i was not going back too magcon, unless i got too sing when i wanted too. I had emailed Bart about that, and he said he was fine with that. He would mail me and James' tickets too me the week before were supposed too leave. And i think the next tour stop is in texas. I think i don't know. I'll have too ask Bart. But today i was planning on just going too the store and buying candy and some food. Maybe some movies. But i did not know.. I decided too head and get I stayed in my bed just watching some netflix on my computer until i heard a knock at my door. It only could have been either James, or Nash. I secretly hoped James was still asleep. But the thing was i never would admit to Nash that i missed him. I told who ever was behind the door too come in and it was Nash. He came in and sat down on the bed beside me. He had 6 boxes in his hands.. I couldn't tell what they were until he spoke up and said, "Open these things. At the mall the other day, i saw you look at them like you wanted them. But you put them back. So monday, i convinced my mom too take me back and get these 6 things. 3 pairs of ear-rings, 1 necklace, 1 ring, and 1 bracelet. On the ring i got our date, the day we started dating on it. the ear rings are, 1 coral kendra scott pair, 1 mint kendra scott pair, and a pair of pearls. the necklace has an infinity sign which means i'll always love you forever and always and never will stop. I hope you still love me & miss me. I missed you a lot. I hope you missed me. Please forgive me Savannah.. Please.. You mean every-" I stopped him there and kissed him. He seemed too like it . I guess because i could tell he was smiling through the kiss. I felt the fireworks going off in my stomach again. I missed the feel of his lips on his lips. It was amazing. I felt him pull away and grab the mint box, i guessed it had the mint ear rings in it. He said put them on, and i did. He then pulled out a ring, which i was guessing was was the ring he was talking about. He knelt down on his knee and the other one up, he slid the ring on my right ring finger. I seriously blushed like a freak when he did that. I was smiling ear too ear. He meant everything too me. As i was leaning in too kiss him, i, well we, were interrupted by James walking in and saying, I am hungry and i want food now. Little boy got demanding. So i got up from the bed and went out of the room with James going down stairs too fix him something too eat. Since he was hungry and wanted some breakfast now. I decided too fix us all three some breakfast. As i was cooking some breakfast, i noticed the front door was open, so i proceeded too ask James, Shut the front door. He got up and when he did i noticed he had his shirt off. I asked him, "James, why do you have your shirt off. you shouldn't have your shirt off son." He responded with, " Daddy said i could take my shirt off. so i did. so i could be cool like him." Lord, Nash needs too stop teaching James his ways. Next thing i would know, Nash would be teaching him how too pick up girls. I couldn't do that. He was only 2 and a half. I could not bear with that. But i guess i would have too. As i finishing making breakfast, i heard Nash tell James that he had too look good today. But it was cold. I'll even dress you today. So you can look good like me. Lord. I guess i'll always have these boys too deal with forever. That is some thing i am looking forward too. And no i am not being sarcastic. I was truly glad too have them in my life. I do not want that too change. I called both of the "men" of the house in to the kitchen too eat. James went and sat down, but Nash came up behind me and hugged me from behind. I seriously could stay like this forever. But we had shopping to do today. So we couldn't. I asked Nash quietly how long would he be staying here, he responded with forever. I smiled so much. He literally meant the world too me. I do not know why i did not stay with him at his house and ask why he said that. But i have never had a boyfriend.. i did not know how too deal with boys. Well only James. But he was two years old, so i did not know how too deal with like teenage boys. But when James turns out too be a teenager, i will have some knowledge not a lot on teenage boys. I remembered i had too do some school work today since i was like already a week behind. I would just have too do it tonight because today we had too go shopping. Well i don't know about James and Nash. They would probably come too. I don't know. I would just have too find out when i was getting ready too go out shopping.

i was not that hungry this morning, so i just had me a banana and some apple juice. I do not why i wasn't hungry. I just ignored that fact. As soon as i was done with my banana and second glass of apple juice, both, James & Nash had finished their breakfast and were heading up the stairs, and i did not know why. I asked Nash, "Nash where are y'all going?" "I am getting James dressed. And my self dressed. And brush mine and James' hair, and brush both of our teeth, so you won't have too." I smiled and let them go up the stairs. I felt scared being alone down stairs. So i went and locked the front door. I kinda felt better about this whole situation. With Nash being up stairs with James. And me being down stairs all alone. But they would be down stairs soon. I hoped.

I decided too text Mahogany and talk too her some

s - Me and Nash kinda went separate ways for 2 days.

m- why..

s- bc i heard him talking to his ex gf and he said ,"I love youtube" really fast. and i left within 30 minutes after that. i had asked Carter too get me a plane ticket back home, which he did.

m- well whats going on with you and mr Nash right now?

s- well, last night, i came home from shopping and getting me a new car, i needed a new car, and i had hired a baby sitter, who was my manager, and when i came home around like at 8 i think, i didnt say anything but Nash was sleeping with James on the couch. And the thing was his mom told him not too chase after me.

m- awh. so what happened this morning?

s- so i woke up and got dressed and sat on my bed just watching netflix, and then i heard someone knock at my door, and it was nash.

m- keep going this is getting juicy.

s- lol. but he sat down and talked about the things that happened, he then pulled out 6 boxes. 1 box had this ring. 2 other boxes were , 1 coral set of ear rings and a mint pair, then a set of pearl ear rings, then he had got me, a bracelet, and the other one was infinity sign necklace.

m- so wait, he got you a ring? what type of ring?

s- a promise ring, it was one like that had our date, 9.14.14 on it. but in roman numerals.

m- awh that is so sweet of Nash. well i got too go, i got too work on the music for next week. when are you flying out.

s- Saturday i think. i have no idea.

m- well i see you then girl,

s- bye(:

m- say hey too James for me.

s- i will

It was about 15 minutes later, when James and Nash came down stairs from getting, dressed almost alike. not that much differences but it was cute. I looked at the time and i went too where i last had my purse.. my room. I ran up too my room and grabbed my purse. I made sure i had my phone and James' car seat with me. I rushed back down stairs and told the boys it was time too leave. I walked too the door and noticed they were already playing outside together.. Boys. That must have been why they had never answered me when i told them it was time too leave. I made sure too lock the door before i left. I headed towards the car until James fell, oh dear lord here comes the tears. and as on cue he started crying and his knee was bleeding. I told him, "James, i'll sit in the back with you. Daddy can drive. I have band-aids in the car already." "Savannah, you drive. i will sit in the back with James. trust me its fine." "but-" "but nothing, im sitting in the back with James." "fine." I headed to the passenger side back door and opened the door, i sat purse in the floor board and sat James' car seat in the seat. i would let Nash buckle him up. I told Nash, "Nash come on get in. and get in first too." "okay." was what he responded with. He headed over too the car and got in, he leaned over too me as i was getting up from picking me purse up and kissed me on the cheek. James was like yuck, mommy has cooties now. I walked away from that side and got in the driver side. I buckled up and put my purse in the passenger side seat. I reached in to the glove box or what ever it's called and got out the emergency kit and handed it too Nash. He must have put something on James' knee like a band-aid because i then heard James say thanks dad.

My ghost
Where'd you go?
I can't find you in the body sleeping next to me
My ghost
Where'd you go?
What happened to the soul, that you used, to be?

- By: Halsey
- Song: Ghost

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this was a short chapter and i have a reason for that being. okay? okay. the next 2 or 3 updates will be short maybe long idek. 

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