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Savannah's pov

Today was the day I would find out if I could keep James. I was scared and worried. Even if the home evaluation did go well. I'm still worried that they found something against me and Nash. It was 9:30pm and they said they would have emailed me by 9:25pm I keep refreshint the page till the email showed up and when it did, i screamed. the email read,

Dear Savannah Marie, and Hamilton Grier,

We are glad to present this message that in the state of Washington and in the united states of America, you are allowed to keep James Dean Etherridge. You can either change his last name to "Grier", change it to Baker, or keep it the same.

We are also glad to tell you that if James' birth dad gets into any contact with you, he will be against he restraining order agreement.

Hope all is well

I literally screamed when I finished reading the email. Even if I did have to read it three times. After i screamed I heard running down the stairs and running out of the guest bedroom. When the people who were running came into the living room. James spoke up and said,

"Mommy, why are you screaming? What happened?"

I looked between Nash, Hayes, Katrina, and James and said, "Well looks like we get to keep this little cutie. And turns out we can either change his last name to yours Nash, keep it as Etherridge, or change it to mine. And i was thinking James." I looked at James right in the eye and said, "We can change it to your dad's or keep it mind buddy. Which one do you want." "I want daddy's name!"

I didn't know what to say so I just looked at Nash and he looked at me blankly until he said, "Well me and your mom will make sure that happens for you buddy. Go back upstairs and get to bed. You need sleep. I think we'll be busy tomorrow. I think Kat's mom is coming over tomorrow. Nash's mom was already here but she felt like she needed to stay at a hotel. We offered her too stay here but she said no.

I'm glad so far, everything is coming together good.

Hayes' pov (haven't never really done Hayes' pov)

My mom was coming over today to help out with thanksgiving. But I had to get her a present for Christmas soon. Like now. Because I hadn't got my mom anything. Like nothing. And there was something I saw on target.com that i think my mom would like. I went upstairs to see if Nash was awake and he was. I asked him if he could come with me to the store. He gave me a puzzled look but went on a head and took me to the store. We got to target first. (we took Savannah's car) While we were on the way to the store, Nash asked me the real reason I needed to go to the store and I said, "I need to buy the girls and James their christmas presents. I haven't even bought mom hers. And I normally got them done by now Nash. Please help me." He chuckled lightly when i had finished that and continued driving to the store.

It took me about 20 minutes to get everything I needed in target. I got James 2 pairs of toddler joggers and a paw patrol robe. I got Skylynn zig zag print leggins, a paint pink splatter pair, a solid grey, and pink pair of leggins. Meanwhile Nash got Skylynn a colorblock sweater with an owl sweater. He got our mom a rose gold watch also. I didn't get my mom anything, well I didn't see anything my mom would like so, I thought maybe I could order her a few things. I could probably order all the girls things from online. I would just have too see.

While we were checking out, I got a text from Savannah and it stated, Today is Thanksgiving and I needed help from all of you to get today done. Thanksgiving dinner starts at 4:45 and i thought you all would at least help me since 1: Hayes your girlfriend's mom will be here and 2 your mom and skylynn are coming over too. so hurry up and get your butts home. now Hayes and Nash.

The Man and the Baby (n.m) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now