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      Savannah's pov

It was our first family dinner tonight. I think we were headed to the place called applebees. I think i really don't know. Nash seriously looked the cutest while giving James a piggy back ride. They both seemed to enjoy it. Nash seemed too accept me. Now i hope the rest of them do. Hopefully they do. We made it down to the lobby and Mahogany pulled me away from everyone and asked, "so how do you like Nash, he seems too like James a lot. and i think he likes you too." "Mahogany, i like Nash. not in that way. I think, but i like how he was openly accepting me and James. I told him the situation between me and James and he respected me about that. Maybe we might become good friends." " girl, i can already see how Nash looks at you, and how he interacts with James, he likes you for sure." " We just will have too go and see." We walk back to where the boys were and i stood with Mahogany too see if James or Nash would come too me needing me. I was thinking maybe Nash would get tired of James and send him back too me. He never did. We headed to the cars that Bart had got us. He was driving one and one of the body guards was driving the other one. It was me, Nash, Hayes, Cameron, James, and I think the other kids name was Taylor. I'm pretty positive that his name was Taylor. James had already let go of Nash and went too Cameron. While Cameron was trying too be cute with James, he failed. But me or James didn't say a word about it. Or did Nash. I guess he could see Cameron was failing at trying to be cute. Nash wrapped his arm around my waist and no one saw it. I could feel those fireworks in my stomach again. Taylor spoke up and said too me i think, " so are you single." i replied back with me nodding my head yes. and he grinned but i could see out of the corner of my eye Nash was frowning and holding me tighter. I guess Mahogany was right i don't know. We arrived at applebees around six fifty and Taylor climbed over the seat hitting Nash in the head with his foot when he climbed over and James laughed. Finally some one made him laugh. Cameron handed James too me and then climbed over the seat and hit Nash in the head again and James laughed. I guess he likes seeing Nash get hit in the head by people. Then Nash grabbed James from me and took him out of the car with him and carried him on his hip. Then i finally got out of the car & made sure too grab my purse. I shut the door to the car and headed to where every one else was standing. I felt my phone buzz and it was Mahogany. She had asked me to go to the bathroom with her, that Nash would save me a seat beside him. I followed her into the bathroom and she shut the door and asked, "so did the biggest flirt of all of us ask you anything. and by the way the biggest flirt is Taylor." " yeah he did. he asked was i single. i told him yes. because I'm single and he grinned. Nash frowned and he ho-" "Wait what did Nash do?" "He had wrapped his arm around my waist early in the car ride and then when Taylor asked that, he started holding me tighter which gave me enormous butterflies like gigantic ones in my stomach. what does this mean girl i've never felt anything like this before." " Well i don't know, he likes you a lot for sure. Wait stay in here for a little while longer." i replied back with an okay.

Nash's pov

When we got out of the car and Savannah came up to us, i saw her pull out her phone and then walk with Mahogany towards the bathroom. Girls always go to the bathroom together and i don't know why they just do. Its weird and i don't understand it. We were sat down and our waitress was an ugly girl with her boobs hanging out i covered James' eyes. And Taylor did too. And you know if Taylor covers his own eyes that girl is ugly. It was pretty rude to she leaned down so close too me because she couldn't "hear" what i was saying and her boobs were like 5 inches away from my face it was disgusting. She finally "heard" what drinks i was saying i wanted. A sprite for James and a Dr. pepper for me and Savannah. I got my phone out of my pocket and downloaded that Disney watch app and handed it too James since he seriously loves Disney. I can't blame him. I'm 16 and half and i still love Disney. (a/n hes a year younger than he is in real life in this book so keep that in mind) I handed my phone to Jame and he must've known what too do because he took it and started watching some Disney show which was Jessie i think. I then remembered i had headphones in my pocket and i took them out and untangled them and handed them too James and said to use these and he did. I spoke up and Broke the silence. Guys, i think i will ask Savannah out tomorrow and i need y'all's help. We will go to the pool tonight and i will stay in the room with James and you guys will have to help me convince her to go to the pool tonight. I will text everyone the details. Can you help me out please? I really do like her and don't want her worried i don't like her because i've already tried making moves on her and flirting with her." Everyone nodded and then i saw the girls Bathroom door open and Mahogany and Savannah were finally done in there. probably just girl talk.
Savannah came and sat down beside me and i told her that i gave James my phone to watch Disney on & that i ordered him a sprite and me and her a Dr. pepper. She was fine with that choice and we started talking with everyone until that slutty waitress came back and i promise you her boobs were showing more than usual . I heard Cameron fake cough and say slut under his breath. She handed everyone their drinks except for Savannah. The waitress had stopped at me and her and looked at her with a disgusted look. I took my hand and put it under the table because i could see Savannah's hand shaking. I grabbed it and put her hand in mine for reassurance. They stopped trembling until the waitress finally handed me my drink and kept Savannah's until i heard Cameron say too her, " Aye girl who looks like a slut, you forgot Savannah's drink. And it would be nice if you gave it too her." She turned around and gave the drink to Savannah and Cam said thank you, bitch. When she walked away everyone started laughing except Savannah and Mahogany. I would need mahogany in on this plan too so i quickly asked James to let me see my phone and i texted her

Girlllllll, I'm planning to ask Savannah out tomorrow. I need you help. take her too the pool first and take her too the Starbucks down the road from our hotel. take my debit card and i will give it you. you both can get the most expensive drink you want. I'm making a group chat tonight without her in it so we can all know the plan. Bart's gonna have to be in on this also. So when you get this show Bart since hes right beside you.

I automatically heard her phone ding and she read the text and showed it too Bart and they both nodded.

Soon enough a new waiter came out and took our orders. It came back soon enough and we started eating. Mr pig, and Mr. Pig Jr, aka Cameron & Hayes were done first. They like devoured that food. I watched James eat so Savannah could eat. Once i was done watching James eat, i started eating and handed him my phone so he could finish watching his show. Savannah was finished right before i finished. And then it was time too go. Bart paid for it. And then we headed too the car. James was wanting me too hold him but Savannah wanted too hold him now. Once we got into the car, Bart was at the other drivers door to the other car and told the bodyguard that was driving that when they got to the hotel that they needed too go to their rooms and get dressed for the pool. Hayes had gone in that car this time and now it was just me, Cameron, James, Taylor, and Savannah in the car. Taylor was in the back with Cameron trying too make James laugh while i saw Savannah was texting some one. Probably Mahogany. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer too me. We made it too the hotel it was now 8:15 and everyone ran out of each cars including Savannah. Except me and James. We had a plan too do.

sooo i know this isn't the longest chapter, and I'm sorry. truly am but be ready for the next two chapters. the next one will have Nash's plan and the pool time.

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