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savannah's pov

I woke up with pains all in my stomach. I checked the time and it was 11:15 at night. Oh and did i mention my due date was tomorrow. I got up out of bed and went downstairs. Once I got downstairs, Mahogany was sleeping on the couch. ps. James is at his little girlfriend's house for 2 more days.

Once I sat down on the couch, I couldn't even sit down. The pain continuously got worse.

"Mahogany go wake up Sammy and Nate." "Why?" "I think i might be going into labor." "Omg. I'll be right back."

I heard Mahogany yell at Nate and Sammy and they immediately got up. I heard Nate scrambling upstairs and when he came downstairs, he had my ugg boots in one hand and the baby bag in another. He handed me my ugg boots and said, "Are you for sure about this? Has your water even broke?" I stood up after putting my boots on and felt a liquid running down my legs, "It just did." He took my hand and walked me too his car. He put me in the front seat and put the bag in the back seat. He went back inside the house and came out with my hospital bag. And Sammy and Mahogany followed.

"Have you locked the house?" "Yes. Is it alright if Sammy and Mahogany follow us there and drive your car?" "Yes Nate just come on!" He got in the front seat not even caring to buckle up.

He found the highway and started going like 85mph in a 60mph zone. Next thing I knew, red and blue lights were flashing behind us. He pulled over and the officer came to his door and Nate rolled down the window and the officer said, "Sir you know you are going 87mph in a 60mph zone. Are you drunk sir?" "No. My wife, well girlfriend , but I call her my wife, is in labor with twins." "Oh im so sorry sir. I'll lead you guys there if you need me to lead you all to go to the hospital?" "Yes please." The officer went and got back in his car and pulled ahead of me and Nate. He turned his lights on and Nate proceeded to follow him.

*at the hosptial*

Nurses met me and Nate at the door and they wheeled me in. Without Nate. Which worried me.

*nate's pov*

They had just wheeled my girlfriend into the hospital without me. I thanked the officer and he left. About 10 minutes later, Mahogany and Sammy showed up. I told them, "Can you guys call my parents?" They both nodded. I went back out to the car and grabbed Savannah's hospital bag and the diaper bag and went back inside. I sat down in the waiting room waiting for Savannah's name to be called.

About 20 minutes later, a male nurse came out. looking at his clip board then he looked up and said, "Savannah Maloley?" Me, Sammy, and Mahogany stood up and he said, "Savannah's fine. The babies are fine and she definetly is in labor. She's about 4 centimeters dilated. And we won't be able to start her pushing until about 8-10 centimeters dilated. She's requesting to see someone named, "Nathan Maloley"?" I walked forward and said, "That's my wife, well girlfriend in there." "Okay. Well she's requesting you. Do you want to go see her?" "Yes please. And can they come too" I pointed to Sammy and Mahogany and he nodded.

Mahogany picked up the bags and they followed me and the nurse.

*in the room*

"She's asleep right now but should be up any minute. If her pain gets any worst, just press the red button above her that says nurse and we'll come in. And by the way, congrats on becoming a father." "Thank you sir." He walked out and I went and sat beside Savannah in one of the most uncomfortable chairs ever. But it was worth it.

I sat in the chair for about 10 minutes until Sammy's phone started ringing, he handed it to me and it was Savannah's dad.

"Is Savannah okay? Do we need to come down there?" "I'll call you once she's almost ready to give birth." "Okay thank you Nathan."

The Man and the Baby (n.m) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now