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savannahs pov

it was now tuesday and Nash had not called or anything. i decided it would be good for me and James not too go back to Magcon again. I had called Bart and he said, "while your gone, i will still pay you. i will tell the boys & mahogany your sick or not feeling good like some work issues or something like that." i told him thanks. it was now like 3pm and i wanted too go out.. I called my manager from harris teeters and she said she would be delighted too baby sit James and that i would not have too pay her. It was cold and rainy where i lived, so i got and headed out. I did not know if me and nash were together, but by the looks of it, he did not want me. he hasn't called or texted me or anything. but i got in my car and headed too the car dealer ship. i felt it was a good time too get a new car. and plus i wanted one that helped both me and James out. So i went too the jeep dealer ship. I got a I felt like this car was both good for me and James, and had good safety ratings. So that's why i got it. And plus they were having sale on them. So that's a plus. I decided too head and get in my car and head towards target. Not the target i work at but another one. I put my purse in the back seat and my phone in my purse also in case any one texted me, i would not have too see what they had too say. It took me a while too get too the target i wanted too go. Since it was rainy and there was traffic. Since the traffic was pretty heavy and was not moving much i decided too get my phone and check my messages. I had lots of them from Cameron, Hayes, Mahogany, Taylor, Matt, Carter, and Nash... Nash had only sent one but that one meant a lot even if it was only 1 word, and 3 letters long. He only said hey. wow. no explanation or anything. i just put my phone in my lap too see if i would get any more text messages but obviously i would not get any more. It was now quarter too 5 when i got out of the traffic & too target. I was just heading in their too get makeup and some bags and maybe some clothes. When i got out of target for shopping, i had came out with 3 makeup items, 3 new bags, 5 shorts, 2 dresses, 3 shirts, and 1 bikini set. I thought it was time too head home. I stopped at chick-fil-a too get me some supper. I was seriously so hungry. i got me some chicken nuggets, some fries, and a large tea. Since my manager from harris teeters said too take all the time i needed, i took the long way home. I had got stuck in traffic. yet, again. so i decided too pull out my phone and see what Nash had too say again.. he sent me this long message., "Listen, i am so sorry for hurting you. the girl who i was talking to was my ex girlfriend. she wanted to talk to me about giving me back my clothes she still had. she said i love you before i said bye and i said i love youtube. i know it sounded like i said i love you. but i didn't say i love you too her. i said i love you tube. please forgive me for what not trying to talk to you then. i am so sorry. i really do want you in my life please don't be mad at me too much.. please don't & when you get home tell James i love him.. i love you and him both. *insert cute heart emojis*" How did he know i was not home.. He couldn't be here.. I hoped he wasn't here. But it was now like 8 pm since traffic had slowed down my time getting home & when i came home. My managers car was there but something was strange... she normally keeps the door shut when she is here.. but the door is wide open. when i walked in.. i saw a sight i would never forget...

nash's pov

it was now early tuesday morning. I had convinced my mom to let me go see Savannah. I was leaving in 5 minutes. well my plane boarded in 5 minutes. i had bought savannah a ring with our date on it. September 19th 2014 on it. An infinity sign necklace, 2 kendra scott necklaces, a mint one, and a coral one, and a set of pearl ear rings. They were all things Savannah looked at at the mall the other day but decided too get. I couldn't resist and not going back too get them. So i went back and got them. I just couldn't resist. Next thing i heard was my flight being called. yay for a 5 and half hour flight. but its totally worth it since i get too see Savannah and James. Once we got high enough in the air i pulled out my laptop too see where & which store she worked at. I found out the one she worked at. Both Harris Teeters an Target. I emailed them and explained who i was and who i was too savannah and they replied back quickly too where she lived. Thank the lord. no one but Hayes knew i was going. the rest of the magcon people did not know. I got an email from Bart and he said it was only for me too know & that i did not need to tell any one about it, but Savannah had just quit Magcon. i couldn't believe it.. she had quit because of me.. i had too get her too come back and if she did not want too perform she didn't have too.. she could just sit and watch us. I just needed too see her. But lets just say that 5 and half hour flight felt like 5 and half minutes. It felt so quick but i was glad. after i got off the plane and got my bags and some food... i hailed a cab and told them the address to Savannah's house and Savannah's car wasn't there but some one else's was . so once i got out of the cab i walked up the porch and went and knocked on the door. A lady came out. But then James came out and he yelled Daddy's home. daddy's home. daddy's home. And the lady looked at me strangely so i told James i would be too his room in a minute. I told the lady mine and Savannah's situation and why James calls me dad. She now understands. I excused my self and went up too James' room. I explained too James what i was doing here and what i was gonna do too Savannah. And he understood. And he said , "Thanks for this daddy, mommy has been sad ever since we left your house the other. she hasn't been her self." I smiled and said your welcome. It was now 7:15 and James said this is his normal bath time so i went too his bathroom with him. and gave him a bath. it took about 15 minutes. The lady who was here earlier said that Savannah was almost home. She was about 30 minutes away. So i went downstairs and laid down on the couch with James and started watching some movie on abc family with him and about 15 minutes in to the movie, both of us fell asleep.. 

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