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Savannah's pov

time skip too when the first magcon meet is (for right now its saturday, i know before i said it's gonna be on saturday but for i changed my mind and it will be on saturday because i have a plan for this.)

It's been almost 3 days since Nash found out the real reason i didn't go too sleep with him. He was not upset with me. But was upset with who ever had sent those text messages too me. Since then who ever had been sending them has began to get more harsh saying i'll expose your secret. too me. calling Nash a cheater. calling me all kinds of names. I just wish this hate would stop.

I had when Hayes popped his head in our room asking if he could go ahead and take James down for breakfast. I agreed and he took James down too the breakfast area. I decided too wait for Nash. Since Nash was taking a shower, I figured i would do my hair. I called Gilinsky in my room since he can braid hair good. He braided my hair into two parts. He made a part down the middle. Both parts, were french braids. I gotta admit they were better than I expected they would be.

He left my room and i am guessing he went too breakfast. Like every one else in Magcon was doing. We had too be at sound check at 11:30 and it was 9:20 right now. The boys take for ever too eat so i went and told Nash he needed too hurry up and as soon as i did, he came out and he was ready for breakfast. He looked so handsome today. Like gah damn.

We made it down too breakfast and we saw Hayes was feeding James ice cream for breakfast.. Mean while every one else was eating healthy foods. Just kidding Bart was the only one who was eating a healthy breakfast.

It was now time for our sound check or mic check or what ever it is called and since i am just gonna be singing today. I am gonna be singing holding out for a hero by ella mae bowen. I love how she sung it. So that's why i'm gonna sing it. i wanted too sing first so they started off by having me a do a sound check first. Honestly i was amazed by how i sounded. I could see all the boys recording. And when i finished singing James said, "that's my mom, that's my mom." And Nash said, "THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND, THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND." I honestly love both of those boys with all my hearts. All the other boys started coming and doing their sound checks and by the time the boys were done, it was now time for the fans too start coming in. James was back stage with Gina, cameron's mom. I was the first too go. And too be honest with you guys, I was very nervous. When i finished singing, the girls, and very few boys in the crowd, erupted in cheers. I didn't know I had done that good. All the boys went through their routines and we were finished. It was now time for the meet and greet.

The first person too mine and Nash's booth was a man, his wife, and two kids.

The man introduced him self as Rodger Baker my dad. And when he did that. I felt my boyfriend stand up from his chair and his grip around my waist tighten. He introduced his kids as Walker & Sadie. and his wife as Korie.

I asked him why he was here and he said too take back his son and his daughter. And give his daughter Sadie too my boyfriend Nash. Um no. What is he thinking he is doing.

JJ (jack johnson), looked at me and i mouthed go get security quietly. He must have understood me because when i finished saying that he walked off and he brought two security guards too our table. I told them what was wrong. But before they could take them away Rodger said he was my dad. The security couldn't do anything now. I motioned for Bart too come over. He came over. I told him i needed too leave and nash did too for some family reasons. He said that would be fine but me and him needed too be ready for tonight because we were going out with every one else too celebrate the first successful magcon event.

Me and Nash headed out and saw Rodger and his family follow us. We told them too meet us at our hotel room because apparently they were staying in the same hotel as us. weird right?

When we got their Nash called Gina and told her, well asked her if she could keep James for at least another 30 minutes and she said that was fine.

We sat down on our patio, well deck, outside our hotel room. After about 15 minutes of sitting out there, we heard a knock on the door and it was just sadie and walker. weird and stupid too me i think. next thing i knew walked had held me with a tight grip and sadie was tackling and trying too kiss nash. I finally had the courage too push Walker off of me when i saw their lips finally meet.

I pushed Sadie off of my bed and told her too stay away from MY boyfriend. He was my boyfriend and only my boyfriend. She hit me square in the nose but i was not bout too let her win after messing with me and my boyfriend. I ended up hitting her and her bruising my eye, and making my nose bleed and bruise. Walker kept trying too pull me off of her Nash. but Nash got him off me and told he too leave his hands off of me. I got off of Sadie and told her too leave.

I called Bart and told him what happened, he said he would have security escort and ban them out of the hotel. I was relieved when he said that.

Nash took me in too the bathroom after we got them out of our room and he sat me up on the counter and got the first aid kid that was under the sink out. He cleaned me up and put a bandage on my nose.

I could not resist but kissing him. Things got a little heated and off came shirt and off came his shirt and pants. Next thing i knew we were on the bed. But were interrupted when Gina knocked on the door and said James wanted too be with me and Nash. Me and Nash quickly found our clothes and went and got James from Gina.

We had at least 4 hours till we had too be at dinner. So we put James down for a nap. While me and Nash watched some netflix.

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