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savannah's pov

Today was the day we were leaving and heading back home to washington. Hayes and Katrina were coming back with me, Nash, and James. I got a call last night from the realtor that me and Nash could move into the house monday. (today was thursday) But we still had to pack. But the good thing was we had extra hands to help us with the packing.

Today we were leaving first at 5:45 am. The rest of the boys were going to be leaving around 6 and 8. Like why did we have to leave first. It was 2:30 am right now. It would take me about an hour to get ready and 30 minutes to get to the airport. Then about an hour to get through security and sit down. We might leave early on the plan but we don't know yet. (j crew camp socks not pictured look them up if you don't know what they are!)

*skip to 3:10 am*
While i was getting ready Nash woke up got himself dressed and James up. James got up and started throwing a hissy fit because he didn't wanna be woke up early but we had to be woke up so we can get on the plane and not miss the flight back home. But apparently Hayes and Katrina haven't fallen asleep because they wanted to sleep on the plane. After all of us finished getting dressed, we headed downstairs and headed to the front desk to hand in our keys. After handing in our keys, we all had our goodbye hugs. I said goodbye to Taylor and Jack first. Then Johnson, Aaron, Carter, Matt, and Brent. (She hugged all of the boys btw) After our good byes, Nash picked our bags up and we headed to the car that was taking us to the airport. We all walked towards the car. I had James' car seat in my hand. James was running ahead of all of us. Nash was carrying mine and his bags. Last but not least, Katrina and Hayes were walking kinda slowly in front of us holding hands. Which i thought was so cute. I hope Hayes will ask her out one day because they are so cute. Well not as cute as me and Nash. But you get my drift.

Once we got to the car, Hayes and Katrina sat in the back seat. And me, nash, and James sat in the middle row. When i got in, James had to wait because I had to put his car seat in. Which made him even more mad because he wanted to already be in his car seat. But he just had to understand that i needed to put his car seat in first. Once I was done putting his car seat in, I turned around and picked him up and sat him down in his car seat. That even made it worst. He started crying and it got worst by the minute. After 5 minutes of trying to calm him down, Nash finally got in the car and unbuckled him and started to hold him. Which was obviously so sweet of him. I was bout to take a picture of them but the driver interrupted me and said, "Are you guys all ready to go?" I nodded my head yes. He started the car up and headed towards the airport.

Once we got further down the road, i finally picked up my phone. I opened up the camera app and took a picture of them. Then, I opened up the snapchat app and took a picture of them and captioned it, "my two favorite boys" and posted it. I closed the app and headed on to twitter and looked around and followed some of my own fans and some of Nash's that had followed me. After I had finished doing all that, I tweeted out, "Heading to the airport, going home with the 4 people i love the most." Instantly everyone was curious of who it was so I answered the fans back and said, "the people in my last tweet are James, Nash, and Hayes. The other one you guys don't know but will know soon! p.s its a girl." After tweeting that i closed the app and headed on over to my favorite app of all, INSTAGRAM. I posted the original picture i took first of James and Nash and captioned it, "On the way home with a cranky toddler and my favorite guy out of anyone" I posted it and closed the app. By the time i was done doing that we were already at the airport. Some person from the airport had brought us those things like Estabon from the suite life of zack and cody use to move the luggage around. Nash was still holding James when we got out, so Hayes and our driver got the things out of the car. By the time they were done getting all the things out of the car, James had fallen asleep in Nash's arms. Which was again, absolutely so adorable.

The guy who had got us the cart pushed it in for us because I had to carry my purse and James' car seat and Hayes held Katrina's hand. (again so adorable !!!!!) When we walked in Hayes wanted some starbucks so i offered to go get all of us some. I walked off finding the starbucks. i got all of us a venti double chocolate chip with vanilla syrup. I paid for it and went back to find Nash and the rest of them. When i got back Nash looked so worried. When i got closer Nash said, well Nash asked me, "Where have you been? you've had me worried sick and plus we leave in 5 minutes Sav. " Well that was the first and probably only time he will call me Sav. No one has ever called me Sav. Well one time a girl at work called me Sav but that's about it. I explained to him that i had gone and got all of us a coffee from starbucks and he calmed down but you could tell he was still worried. 5 minutes later, our flight was called and James woke up by all the noise going on. We explained to him what was happening and he said he wants the aisle seat and he wants Nash to sit beside him. Looks like i get to have the window seat today.

We walked to our boarding terminal and gave the man our tickets. We headed on to the plane and found our seats. Katrina and Hayes were in the row ahead of us with an old lady sitting with them. I put James' seat in the seat and went to sit down. Nash then came in, sat down and buckled up. He sat James down in his seat and buckled him up. We waited for about 45 minutes and it was time for take off. In 7 hours.. We'll finally be home. But when we get off the plane we have to go get my car so we can get the boxes for moving day.

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