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savannah's pov

I had been home almost 3 weeks and i had been throwing up ever since. On the 20th I was supposed flight out too Omaha and see Nate. Me, him, and James had facetimed every night. And James was fine staying with Nate for a while. But last night, before I left work, I bought 4 pregnancy tests and decided I would use them today. And since it was only 7 am.

I went downstairs into the downstairs bathroom and opened up the pregnancy tests boxs and pulled the stick out. I did what the directions said to do and left them on the counter. I waited 20 minutes like it said and when the timer dinged for me to go look. I couldn't. I called Clara over and she said she would come over. When she came in, I pointed her into the bathroom and she came out and yelled, "IMMA BE AN AUNT TO A BABY GIRL OR BABY BOY! OH MY GOSH. ALL FOUR OF THEM WERE POSITIVE> DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS!" "YES! I have to call the ob/gyn like now Clara." I typed the number of the ob/gyn and they said they would take me at 8:45.

"Clara, can you come with me. Its the 18th. And i'm leaving sunday. I need to find out." "Okay. go get dressed."

I walked upstairs and put on the simpliest outfit I could find and went back downstairs with my phone in my hands. "Clara, you drive. I'm too nervous." (ootd - )

We walked out the front door and I locked it and we got in my car and headed to the doctors.

*halfway there*

I had just got a snapchat from Nate and when I opened it, I saw he got a hair cut. ()

I sent back and said, "Still cute too me"

I shut my phone off and saw we had just arrived. I got out of the car and headed into the office. I asked Clara to wait and she said she would. I went inside, signed in, and waited till my name was called.

"Savannah Baker?" I stood up and followed the nurse into the room.

"Is the father here with you?" "No ma'am. I just think I'm pregnant and If i was and he knew right now. He coudldn't be here. He's in Omaha with his family. Im flying out tomorrow too see them." "is this your first?" "Yes. And im kind of excited. And can i ask you something?" "sure." "If i am pregnant, will I be able to go on my cruise in about a month?" "Yes. You will just need to be careful of the foods you eat down there and the water you drink And drinks you drink. How old are you anyways. and how olds the father." "Im going to be 18 and he's going to be 21 in a month." "That's wonderful." "Thank you." "Just lay down on this thing right here and lift your shirt up and we'll be ready to get on with this." She rubbed some cold jelly on my belly and something started showing up on the monitor in the room.

"Well I see one little bean," she moved around a little and said, "I only see one little bean. And it looks like you are almost a month pregnant. When was the last time you did it with your boyfriend." "November 24th. I remember it because It was the day me and my brother went out too see him and his family for thanksgiving." "That's good. Do you need some ideas of how to tell him?" "Yes please." She printed off some pictures of the baby and said, "Go get a picture frame and fit these in there. Tape 2 pregnancy tests to this and give it to him as your christmas present to him. trust me I did that with my husband on my first pregnancy." "Did he like it?" "Sure did he loved it. And by the way, I'm calling you in some prenantal vitamins and your gonna have to start taking them today." "Okay thank you. And when do i schedule my next appointment." "Next month. I bet you and your boyfriend would want to be there for that one.And by the way your due around Late august-early september. We will give you a due date next appointment. What do you want the gender to be?" "Hopefully. And hopefully a girl. That's what my boyfriend has always wanted" She handed me the pictures and led me out. I thanked her for everything and went to the car.

I got in the car and said, "Im gonna be a mother! I'm almost a month pregnant. And im due around early september late august. im so happy. i don't know why i was nervous. wait yes i do. its bc i think Nates gonna leave me." "Nate will never leave you Savannah. and did you get any pictures." I handed her the pictures and told her, "I have to stop by target and get my prenantal vitamins and a picture frame. doctors orders." "Why the picture frame?" "She said to put these pictures in a picture frame and tie to tests to them and give them to nate for one of his christmas presents." "AWH MY JESUS. Lets go right now."

*at target*\

We had just got to target and I had the urge to throw up. I rushed into the bathroom and threw up. When i came out Clara said, "Morning sickness?" I nodded my head yes and walked with her to the pharmacy. When i got to the pharmacy, Kameisha was there.

She came out of the pharmacy and said, "Let me guess. Nathan's the dad?" I nodded my head yes and she squealed. She walked back into the pharmacy and handed me my pills and I paid for them. I walked away with Clara following behind me and we headed off to find a picture frame. After about 15 minutes, I finally found the best one. I walked to the cash register and paid for it and went out to the car.

I told Clara, "Let me drive." She said okay and got in the passenger seat. I got in the drivers seat and pulled out of the parking spot and headed to where I was wanting to go the most. Chick Fil A. I pulled into the drive thru and ordered a milkshake and a large fry and Clara ordered a sandwich. I pulled forward and paid for it and went home.

When I got home my dads car was in the driveway, and i wondered why he was here. Clara went on over to her house and I walked into mine. When i got in, my dad was pacing around.

"Savannah! Where have you been. Nate's been trying to reach you all morning. He wanted to make sure you were coming. And he knew you were up by now and he wanted to make sure you were fine. Where were you. And whats in your hand besides a milkshake and a ChikFilA bag?"

"Dad, your going to be a grandpa.." "Your kidding right?" "No dad, I went to the doctor this morning and the doctor saw one little "bean" and told me I was almost 1 month pregnant." "When are you due?" "Late August, Early september. Please don't tell anyone including your wife and walker, and sadie, and most importantly Nate! I bought a picture frame because I'm putting the sonogram in the picture frame and im tying the two pregnancy tests on the picture frame to give to Nate." "You know, that could be his christmas present." "It is." "That's so sweet of you. But i gotta go. I have work bye sweetie. and tell me how everything goes with Nathan." "I will." He walked out of the living room and went outside and shut the door on his way out.

I sat down at the island and finished eating. While I was eating I texted Nate and said I was fine and that i was just at the mall and target getting somethings for the cruise. he said okay and I texted his mother, "Kami, please don't breath this too anyone. Including your family and most importantly Nate." "I promise. I won't. Please tell me your not leaving Nate." "No no no no. that's not it." "what is it." i took a picture of the sonogram and said, "Your gonna be a grandmother!" "Your kidding?" "NO ma'am. Im surprising Nate with it as an early christmas present Christmas eve." "Give it to him as the present he opens on christmas eve." "I was thinking about doing that.'' "That's good. And when are you leaving." 'Sunday." "Okay. Well i gotta go get Stew from school. see you later Savannah. and i love you and my unborn grandson or daughter" I chuckled and shut my phone off. I finished eating and threw my trash away.

I decided to clean so I went around cleaning. I cleaned up the kitchen and living room and my room and put laundry on and decided maybe I should leave a day early. I checked the airlines and saw there was a plane leaving for Omaha tomorrow. Same airline and everything. I switched the flight over and waited for my printer to print out the ticket. I walked upstairs and packed my bags and sat them by the door. I checked too see the time and saw it was 7 and my plane leaves at 8:10. I went into my closet, changed into some comfy clothes and fixed the present for Nate and put it in my carry on bag and put that by the door. I went upstairs and got into bed and slowly fell asleep.

The Man and the Baby (n.m) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now