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Pacing the room nervously she tried to shake the nervousness that was creeping up on her "May breathe it's gonna be fine" Genie smiled weakly at her. It was their FIRST gig, wow, there was like what 30,000 people out there. It seemed like just Yesterday May, Genie, Lucy and Ariel were covering their first song 21 guns by Greenday on YouTube, now they were playing in front of 30,000 freaking people.

"I can't do this, what if they don't like us" May sighed
"Shut up now I'M gonna be nervous " Lucy groaned
" I'm sorry" she said
" I heard 5 seconds of summer put in a good word for us" Ariel squealed
" why though? We're nobodies, why us?" May asked
"Bitch I don't know, and I don't care, good thing they did" Lucy wrapped her arm around May's neck as they all laughed

" next we have a new band, you know em, Nine Times Over, give it up for them" someone announced
"Okay guys, let's do this" Ariel nodded
"Let's rock out"Genie smiled as they grabbed their instruments and headed up on stage

It was like every other day for Calum Hood, go to this show, go to that interview, take a picture with this adoring fan, be at this concert. He enjoyed it, really he did, but he wanted something new, something fresh
"mate you coming?" Luke asked from the doorway of the hotel room where the boys stayed for the week.

"Uh yeah, gotta tie my shoelace first" he chuckled
"Heard it's gonna be one the greatest shows we ever played" Michael tapped Luke on the back
"How are you so sure about that?" Ashton walked chewing a piece of licorice.

"I don't know, something tells me that something great is bound to happen " Michael shrugged
"Guys you ready?" Liz Hemmings walked in "we gotta go, come on"
"Yeah coming mum" Luke nodded
"Calum come on" Ashton pulled him up from the couch he sat on "you can tie your shoe in the car".

"Thank you, we love you all" Michael panted as the boys took a bow. The fans cheered as they walked off stage.
"I cannot believe we did that Genie" a girl with sort of a British accent scoffed pacing the hallway, she had on baby blue ripped jeans, a dark Tshirt that said "back in black" in white letters and dark converse, she had tan skin and had her hair in long braids. She seemed younger than him, 16 maybe? She was sweating profusely and was fanning herself in a failed attempt to keep cool.

"May breeeeathe" a girl with bright red hair that reminded Calum of flames tried to soothe her. "Uh guys?" A blonde girl who looked about the same age as the girl called May tried to get their attention.

"Not now Lucy, panic attack as u can see" The red headed girl nodded towards May
"Guys?" A much shorter girl in a pikachu hoodie nudged them forcing them to turn around
"Oh shit" May said with wide eyes
"Um hey guys, great show by the way" Luke smiled at them.

"T-thank you" the red headed girl smiled brightly "oh my gosh you're Luke Hemmings "
" yeah I noticed " Luke chuckled "you are?" He asked though his attention was pointed towards the blonde
"I'm Lucy"she half waved looking down at her blink 182 shirt
"I'm Genie" the red headed girl smiled
" nice to meet you Lucy,Genie" Luke chuckled
"I'm Ariel" the short girl in the Pokemon hoodie pipped in a I'm-here-too sort of way.
"Oh hey there" Luke smiled at her
"Oh um, this is the guys, that's Ashton" Luke pointed at Ash "Michael " he nudged Michael who smiled at the ground "and Calum" he nodded in my direction.

"We know" Genie said "I mean nice to meet you guys" she said awkwardly
"Like wise "Michael smiled
"Well we'll see you guys around, great job by the way" Ashton smiled at May who didn't say a word but stood there in shock as they all walked off.

"Who were they?" Calum asked Luke who was saying something to Michael
"Oh it's a new band, Nine Times Over" he laughed as Michael pushed into him
"Dude!" Luke groaned as they went off play fighting. Nine Times Over huh? And who was that girl? May was it? Why didn't she say anything? Was she always like that or was she just normally rude?

May's POV
"Okay best fucking show ever!" Lucy said in awe
"First fucking show ever" I reminded her as I plopped down on my bed
"Dude it was amazing AND we got to meet 5sos" Genie squealed "5sos!! Woman we met them! In person!" She sighed
"Aye mate cool it" I smiled at her, she was adorable when she fan girled over bands but right now I wasn't in the mood.

"May, we met 5sos" she shook me
"Alright, alright, it was cool" I laughed "fuck it it was more than cool. They're so bloody tall" I sighed as I stared at the stars on my ceiling.
"More like Giants " Ariel pushed me so she could lay down as well.
"Hot Giants" Lucy laid opposite is so that our heads were nearly bumping
"Hot,as in Lucifer would ashamed as to how hot they are" Genie sighed laying next to Lucy.

"Hey you can't go saying my name anyhow" Lucy threw a pillow at Genie
"Sorry lucifer"Genie laughed as well
"Kinda find it funny, Lucy, Lucifer? Hmm wonder what your parents were thinking" Ariel smiled.

" my name's not actually Lucifer woman" she threw a pillow at Ariel which made her squeal
"You guys staying for dinner?" I asked "my mum's ordering pizza" I laughed
"Yus! I love your mom" Ariel said
"Great job today girls you did good" I said

"Thanks mama May" Lucy laughed which made them all to laugh. It was an inside joke with us, though I was the youngest I acted like the oldest, acted like their mother which struck up the nickname "Mama".
"Hell let's sleepover" Ariel sat up"kinda wanna stay with u guys you know, bask in tonight"
"Same, sleepover it is" Lucy shrugged
"Uh..u didn't even ask for permissi-" I started
"Ooh I'll go call my mom" Genie dialled her mum's cell and so did the rest of them.

"Guys? Oh fuck it never mind" I plopped back down on my bed. Staring up at the stars I thought of today's encounter, the boys were really sweet and friendly except for Calum, he didn't say a word, just watched. What was his deal anyway?

I'm sorry it's a short chapter but it'll get better I promise ~M

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