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  Again sooo sorry for the late update..school sucks.
And omg! Calum's birthday is in 4 days! Well time to jump of a cliff, he's turning 20.

       Calum's POV
My lips were a mere centimeter from hers, I could smell the perfume she had on mixed with mint, my heart raced as she leaned in, we were so close. The door flung open as Michael started saying something which caused us to move away from each other.

"Um I'll leave" May cleared her throat, straightening herself, "hey Mikey" she said to my Blonde haired friend as she stared at the ground. " well bye" her face was flustered as she walked out.

"Oi mate! You DO like her don't you?" Michael laughed.
"What? No" I scoffed running my hand through my hair that was growing out from my recent haircut.

"I saw you two kiss! Don't deny it" Michael folded his arms
"We did NOT kiss first of all" I said pulling my phone out from my back pocket.

"Mmmhmm, you're a terrible liar Calum" he laughed
"Guys get ready we gotta go" Luke walked in, the tall boy had his attention on his phone, like always.
"Uh sure" Michael said heading out the door.

As soon as he left I placed a hand over my chest, feeling the quick thud of my heart, what just happened? I thought to myself.

"Hey guys" John smiled as he walked into the house we were currently living in. "Sorry for the bother and being here so late" he said which made me unconsciously check the time, it was 9pm.

"It's fine, what's up Feldy?" Luke chuckled
"Well you see, you know how we just signed up a new band? Well they have things they need to get done in California and I thought since you guys are already here it wouldn't hurt them staying with you, you have more than enough room for 8 people " he shrugged

"Okay.." Michael looked at him suspiciously "who are sharing the house with?"

"Come on in girls" John clapped his hands. Genie, Ariel, Lucy and May emerged from behind the door.

"Oh hey there" Ashton smiled at them
"It's temporary I swear" John assured us
"How temporary is this temporary?" I asked from where I sat in the couch
"Uhhh, 2 months?" He looked at us sheepishly

"2 months??" I nearly jumped my seat
"What no" I shook my head, I shifted my gaze from John to May who's eyes were glued to the floor.

"Come on Calum, it'll be fine"Luke shrugged
"Yeah" the rest of the guys agreed
"Fine, whatever" I sighed

"Great, well welcome to the San Fransisco pad" Michael smiled at the girls causing them to laugh.

How the hell was I to spend 2 months under the same roof with May without going crazy? I thought to myself. I looked up one last time the same time she did causing us to make eye contact with each other, my heart raced as I quickly looked back down at my phone.

A/N: Short chapter sorry. It will get interesting I swear.
So what are your predictions on what will happen between them over the course of 2 months?

Still sobbing that babe is turning 20 though. *cries as I shove cake now my mouth* happy birthday puppy.

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